Okay. I'm 14 and I'm pregnant. I know, I know, how stupid how freaking stupid i KNOW. I'm not even gonna give you all the whole 'i was so stupid immature spur of the moment rap' the point is, that it happened. My best friend knows, and the father knows. BFF is supportive, father not so much. He says he wants nothing to do with the baby but I'm not sure if he'll change his mind he really is a good guy (he's 15). I need to know how and when to tell my parents. They dont know I'm even sexually active. How do i bring it up. It's very early in pregnancy i mean VERY. should i tell them or wait??? I really just dont know what to do. And no, abortion is NOT an option.
Update:I'm normally a straight to the point cut the chase forward person but this is such a delicate situation idk how i will handle it
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tell them now so you can receive the proper care.
Ever think of adoption?
I say you should keep the baby i had my little girl at 17 years old and got prego at 16 i was stupid and i thought i was in love boy was that a mistake. I didnt get an abortion because i dont believe in them and i didnt put her up for adoption because how would i have learned from what i did wrong if i was just able to give my baby away and/or kill it i kept her and no im not with her dad but im with the man that i plan to be with for the rest of my life now were expecting again im 18 and im 32 weeks and 4 days pregnant with a baby boy my little girl is 17 months old and im happy a baby can change your life but it was a change i was willing to make and im happy with the decision i made
Good Luck
Even though your young you can get through this, I would tell your parents right away though parents can be so supportive and helpful! I sat down with my dad and just told him even though I was an emotional mess he was there for me I was 17 years old.
Thats normal for your boyfriend to act that way he is young and scared I am sure.
Thats good abortion is not a choice for you! I do not beleive in them either.
I can only wish you the best, And take my advice tell your parents as soon as you can!
How do you know for sure your pregnant? I would make sure 100% before you tell everyone though.
If you didnt feel you could take care of the baby you could always adopt the child out too so many people would love to have a baby, But do what your heart tells you sounds like your going to have a lot of support good luck to you ;)
Well it might save same heartache if you wait until about 12 weeks thats when the chances of mis carriage goes down a lot. However since you are so young you need the support, so telling them sooner rather than later might be best so that you can get the care you and your baby need. Either talk to your school counsler (sp) and have them arrange a meeting with you and your parents and they can be there to help support you telling your parents, or try writing them a letter and place it where they will see it at home while you are in your room or at school, so they come to you.
Just tell them, you are young and need to have medical help asap. You need vitamins and also just basic blood checks and all that good stuff. The boy is 15 if he does not want to step you need to still involve his parents. You and your parents together need to go see his family and discuss what they are planning to do to help. It is his responsibility to help you financially. And it is his parents responsibility just like his to take care of the child. So together you and your parents can figure out what is best for you and the baby. I am sure that your parents insurance will cover you but it will not cover the baby, so you will have to contact your states office to get a medical card for the baby. There is alot you can do, just be strong and I know this was a stupid mistake but it has happened the best thing to do now is just forward on in the most positive way possible and please go to your parents, ASAP!!!
Good for you! You made a good parenting decision. There are many options that don't include abortion. Are there any Pregnancy Care Centers near you? You can go to this site and they will give you all kinds of help. These people are not abortion minded so there will be no pressure. At this site you can find a center near you who can counsel you on your options and give you good information. In most cases the counselors there will even help you tell your parents if you want. They have free ultrasound and lots of good info for you.
If you need any more info email me
I got pregnant when i was sixteen so I definitely know how you feel. Tell them as soon as possible, seriously. I waited a whole month after I knew and it wasn't good because you need to go to the doctors immediately. And don't worry about the father, your both young so it's understandable because obviously neither of you are ready for a kid. I didn't think I was ready, but after your baby comes, motherhood comes naturally. I wish you the best of luck though!
sweetie. i'm not going to lecture you... you know yourself what you did wrong. what's done is done and i'm happy to see that abortion is not an option. i'm 26yrs old and i'm 5months pregnant. the father of my child left. we actually tried for this baby and he just bailed out on me. dont allow that to put you down. do not stress your baby. he's only 15 and his reaction is understandable he's just a kid. he's scared, but hopefully things change and he'll take care and stand by you.
you need to tell your parents right away. the stress of not being able to tell them can affect you. either way wait now or later they will have the same reaction. they are going to get mad but i'm sure you understand that. but eventually the anger will fade out... they are the only two people that will be there to help you out. so tell them asap.
Tell your parents. You need a lot of support and if your baby's father is not going to support you then you definately need your parents. Put him on child support once the baby is born. Don't let him think that he can just abandon you and the baby just because he does not feel like taking responsibility!
Wow........ okay im 14 and i have a baby, i was raped.
You need to ook at your options, Abortion * i would'nt do it but thats your choice* Adoption or having the baby.
Im doing a great job with my girl who is a month old, but you need to look into your future and see if you can handle having a baby in your life or not.
Good luck
Honestly, if it's that early in your pregnancy
Don't tell them YET
Doctors will tell you to wait until your into your 2nd trimester(3-4 months) until you start telling your loved ones, because the chance of miscarriage isn't as high. Just go to your local drugstore and buy some prenatal vitamins. They're like $5.
If you must tell them, let them know you need their support and it's done. You can't go back to the past and change it. All you need is their support! :]