okay long starty short,droped out, worked, went back to school, parents seperated, mom or dad cldnt take care of me n my two young siblings, we lived with our teacher, brother suported mom, we moved back with mom, droped out, worked, paid bills, mom cldnt suport us alone after brother left, went with our dad who couldnt suport us either, mom moved in with boyfriend, dad couldnt pay rent, we got evicted. now ur cought up. this happnd ovr a period of a year i took care of the kids that year, now we lost our house i live with friends, my brother lives with my sister n my lil sistr lives with mom n her bf. im still taken care of the kids tho, i heard of insureance calld husky, i want to knw if i ge on it if i can get my lil brother n sistr on it with me... i just need help figurein out how to do all this? im 16 so im a lil confused, i just want my lil brother n sister to be okay,im tryn cuz mom n dad both dnt hav there prioritys str8 im all they have... if u hv any advice its much needed
Update:my mom n dad arent bad people, and im not tryin to make this a sob story, ive delt with it, im just looking for advice to get all this done i dont know how to. my mom has a new bf thats clouding her judgment, i realize she shouldnt let him but im not blaiming her, my dads tryin he just had a rough childhood, his wife left him n took us kids with out evn tellin him but he was tryin to take care of us. both parents love us no dought about that but lik i said moms to into her bf n dads to into my mom to pay attention to us kids. thanks for all the advice :)
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go to your health department or medicaid office in your community and they can answer all of your questions, you may only have to call to ask. but would be better in person. explain the situation and ask what options you have.
you are someone to be admired for what you've done and are doing and don't ever let anyone tell you differently. i'm 25 and i couldn't imagine having to do all of this at 16 not to mention just in a year. i'm sorry you have the parents that you do. but i have a lot of respect for you and i dont even know you. keep your head on straight and FINISH school or at least make sure you get your GED. don't let anything stand in your way of that. you may be surprised what help you could get for college. if you ever need to talk just email me and i'll listen. parents do need to get their priorities straight. i have two small boys and i couldn't imagine doing to them what your parents have done to you guys.
Pam D - she's got enough on her plate than worrying about finding her mom help. from the sound of it the mom doesn't want help other than someone helping her pay her bills along with the dad. She's not responsible for her mother, her mother is responsible for herself. It's not the child's place. She's doing the best she can and trying to find help for her siblings. sounds like to me her parents need their btuts kicked for putting this teen in this situation and not to mention locked up for it if you ask me. i dunno this type of situation makes me sick. i mean i'm not bashing you at all by no means. i just don't think it should be up to her to do that is all. i'm sorry if i came across rude. that is surely not my intention at all.
Your a great person, But you are only 16, all you can do is what you are already doing. I hope and pray for you and your family that you kids are okay.
you need to get your mothers head out of her butt get you three kids together and get back on track, there are places that will help your mother if she seeks the help, I don't know where you are, you do,find out through your local family services office about any programs that they have to help your mother.even if it is a temp situation until a house becomes available to you four.
its sooo hard 4u...how sad....d hard phase wil b over soon