There is a lot already going on with the 2008 Presidential Election. There are more issues facing this country now than any other time in our history. So who will you vote for? The problem that we continously have is that most people are "Party Voters, not Candidate Voters." Party voters will vote with a particular party no matter what. They may not agree with anything that the party's candidate has to offer, but will vote that way anyway. Candidate voters look at both nominees, no matter what color, religion, or background they come from( party voters were obvious in 04, who the hell in their right mind would vote Bush/Cheney again after the mess they've caused?) Candidate voters don't care about party affiliation. These are the smart voters. Perfect nominee: low taxes, national security, respected around the world(which we are not), healthcare for all, keep immigrants out, and keep abortion LEGAL! See, I agree somewhat with both parties. I'm an independent.
Update:Akivi and Producer vortex, both Party voters. Boy are you in for a shock next year!
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Yes, it's already getting started, and most people aren't really alert to it all yet. I wish more people were paying attention, and I wish more people would think independently. I'm registered in a party, but I never vote straight party line. I always consider the candidates and choose the one that comes closest on the most issues that are important to me.
Hi Morgan, it means the same old stuff like Bush. See all the new faces Obama is lining up? Really they are not new faces at all. See you cannot have change and have the same faces. He is just picking up with what Bush left behind and more some. Only jobs for our children will be the same as Germany during Hitler. More jobs for everyone he said, why the last I heard the there are no jobs for the American people...oh yes, I remember Obama telling us he wants a million man army. There you go Morgan. He said young and old he will put to work, so did Hitler. What a mess Bush got us into with the Elite Secret Society, Kissinger Group. Change is on it's way New World Order. God help us.
I am a conservative and I would consider my self a candidate voter. The front runners for the democrats are far too left-leaning for me so I am certain I won't be voting for them. If the election were held tonight I would vote for Giuliani, however I do like Romney as well. I'll be watching them both...
I totally agree with you & I also consider myself an independent. I am leaning more toward voting for Ron Paul. He is totally against the war in Iraq (where my 19 yr old son happens to be) & he is also against illegal immigration & this ridiculous bill congress is trying to pass. He is the candidate to bring our troops home & make illegals have the desire to want to go back to where ever they came from (by enforcing our "current" immigration laws)!!!
As a moderate Democrat I don't care for any of my parties candidates. If the election were this morning I would have voted for Rudy or McCain.
I can tell you this much, it wont be a liberal.
i vote anti communist. so that rules out any of the openly Communist democraps.
you go!