Here I am 22 weeks into my pregnancy and have had minimal prenatal care. I've been in the "process" of applying for Medicaid now since JULY! They tell me today that they DENIED my application b/c my "pregnancy hasn't been verified." The proof from the Doctor with my Due Date on it (as they require) was turned in with my original application in July.
I have been having really painful spasms in my back and I've miscarried during my 2nd trimester of pregnancy TWICE now. The last time was just a little over 9 months ago.
I have no insurance. I'm not registered to deliver with any hospital. I don't have a DR. I have no idea if I am still carrying a live baby or what is going on with my body at this point.
Some people have told me to go to the ER.
Others have told me to go to a L&D instead.
I'm wondering if anyone knows if I can just walk into any old L&D and get service?
Will they do an ultrasound and tell me what's going on?
Would L&D even see me?
Update:To Laura S.
The state office didn't tell me until today that they don't have the verification. I brought it to them and left it with them when I applied to begin with. They have it. They made me wait 45 days and denied me for no reason. I was expecting to get an approval from them back in early August and every time I called they said they have 45 days to process. Well today has been 45 days and I haven't heard anything from them. So I called again. They said they denied it because they don't have the DR note. I told them that they do to have it, and they said they'll have the case worker call me back in the next few days. They could have had the courtesy to tell me last month that they needed a document, or actually have checked their documents to see that they have it. Instead they waited until the final day to decide that I don't have the opportunity to provide anything. I hope that makes more sense.
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Go to the ER. They should be able to at least see if they can hear a heart beat. Even without insurance they have a duty to treat, and if you fill out the paperwork from their financial office you might not have to pay anything. My husband and I lost a baby girl at 21 weeks, so I always encourage going to the hospital.
I would definitely go straight to labor and delivery because of how far along you are. By this point, the chances of saving the baby are greater. They will hook you up to a fetal monitor to make sure there is a heart beat and that you're not having labor contractions. Once a determenation of wither the heart rate is steady had been made, they will more than likely do an ultrasound. Either way, a hospital cannot refuse you.
The Government help, needless to say, what a joke! You have to be stern and get some work done for them. Go to an open door clinic such as Planned Parent Hood, get a proof of pregnancy slip with the estimated due date, and go to the welfare office walk in line. Once the pull your file, explain what has happened as far as being denied and let them know you want to speak to a higher power, the supervisor, someone. Once you have the proper attention, let them know you feel there has been lack of personal treatment, and that you feel the case should be reconsidered asap. They have to re-evalute your case.
In the mean time, if you want to have a natural birth, look in the phone book under Borthing Centers and find a Midwife for the best care. Let them know you are in the midst of being approved for health coverage and that you are in need of a pre natal exam to determine fetal age and so you can begin a pre natal vitamin.
Best of luck to you and your little one. And please consider water birth or birth without medication (pain med) to ease the harsh arrival of the newborn. You have to be strong, so do what you have to and know you have people wishing you the best!
Go to any community non-profit hospital and tell them what you have said here. Non-profit hospitals cant deny you care because you have no insurance and they will treat you just like anyone else. They will give you an ultrasound and might be able to refer you to someone who will be able to help get you state insurance. In the hospital where I work we would tell you to go to the emergency room if you had not been previously registered in L&D.
And don't be discouraged because you have already been denied insurance and its taken a couple months. Working with the government is a slow and painful process, sometimes you have to apply more than once. If I were you I would give them a call and ask them if verification of your pregnancy from an MD isn't verification enough then what is?
You really need to advocate for yourself. Follow-up on everything and be persistent. Otherwise you are going to get pushed around like you are now. Its always good to learn to advocate before you have kids because you will need this skill a lot after you give birth!
If you have already miscarried and this is the 3rd time you might be someone who needs good prenatal care in order to carry a baby to full-term.
Go to the ER. They will automatically admit you to L&D. As far as medicaid goes, you can submit another form of pregnancy verification. I'm not sure why you've waited until September- If it WAS that important to you, you would be sitting in their office first thing in the morning, with verification in hand. (It has been since July- and you haven't had any prenatal care? Are you on prenatals? And why wouldn't you have a doctor if you've already had two miscarriages? You need to look out for yourself, and your baby. Be responsible, and get medicaid. Besides, medicaid will pick up any doctor bills you've had since you became pregnant. They'll also refer you to an OBGYN.
Most hospitals have some sort of protocol to send you to the preferred place, and more often than not, the rule runs something like: possibly pregnancy-related complaint > 20 weeks goes to L&D. But it'll vary by institution. Just go and ask. Whether they do an ultrasound will depend on how badly it's needed.
They won't like losing the money, but they'll be sympathetic. In medicine one gets used to being jacked around by the government.
I would go to the ER. No hospital that receives public funds can refuse you treatment, no matter what your financial status is. Don't you just love the Medicaid process, you are obviously pregnant and they won't give you aid because they need verification of your pregnancy. Silly fools!
Go to the hospital at once and get your self treated. I wish you the best.
Go see the OB you saw last time, he should be willing to see you without you paying up front. Once you are approved for medicaid they it is generally retroactive a certain amount of time (45 days? 60 days?). Then straighten out the medicaid.
If you ultimately don't receive medicaid you will have to work out a payment plan with the OB.
When you go to the ER, you will likely be directed to L&D. So just go in and ask. You REALLY have my sympathies. I am disabled and our county Social Workers are wonderful. I've heard nothing but bad stuff in many other counties.