I am soooo excited to have my first baby, a boy we're naming Dallas. However, these past 28 weeks have seemed like an eternity. It has been the longest six months of my life. I cannot bear the thought of another 12 long weeks of this.
I sit at work and I think that adds to the length of my weeks.
Anyone else literally going crazy? I will never work while pregnant again lol.
Update:I am not bored at home lol. I have MANY things to do at home, especially since my hubsand and I are youth pastors at our church. I am only working right now for health insurance. I have been at home F/T before and never had a boredom issue. I lead a very busy life. Sitting at a desk all day is boring!
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i just turned 29 weeks but for me time seems to be passing by quick most of the time i guess since i have so much worries on my head,i prefer being at work while pregnant with my previous two pregnancies i did not work and time would go by so slow for me while now i'm on the internet the whole day looking for baby things and that keeps me occupied
Are you kidding me? I HAVN'T worked this whole pregnancy and talk about an ETERNITY... I would SO rather be working and have something else to occpy my time... There is NOTHING to do when you don't work... I mean.. other than spend money, which I dont' have much of since I'm not working lol.. it's horrible. I will never do another pregnancy out of work again, that's for sure.... the grass ain't always greener on the other side, girl!
I am going crazy too... I got really REALLY anxious around 28 weeks also and would literally cry because I just couldn't believe I still had SO Much longer to go... but I'm 34 weeks now and it's the total opposite.. now I can't believe that I only have 6 weeks until my due date and I find myself wondering if that's enough time!
Sometimes i think, wow only 9 weeks left, then i think back wow ive been pregnant for 31 weeks!?!?
A good friend recently became pregnant, shes 7 weeks right now, shes so excited and telling me the baby is about the size of a blueberry, and im thinking "oh man i remember when i was reading that!" And now the baby is over 3lbs and 16+ inches long!?!?! Its just crazy to think about!
I love being pregnant, I love my pregnant belly, and will be kinda sad not to be pregnant anymore! But will be soooooo excited to meet our new addition!
Good luck to you!
hi im 29 weeks pregnant due could 4th im so excited. Im having a lil woman besides her call would be Rowen Victoria. i admire the call dakota i became into her to be named that yet my fiance disagreed. My being pregnant has long gone o.k.. Getting anixous yet it getting so close. My infant bathe is next saturday i'm able to attend !.. good success !! chuffed laboring!
I am 26 weeks and I am going nuts!!! I hate doing anything these days. I am so uncomfortable and tired all the time. I really hate going to work and have been thinking about how long I want to work for?
28 weeks on wednesday and i am going nuts as well the heat doesn't help it either and where i am from its humidity 24/7 fpr the summer this is my 1st as well and it just seems soooooooo far away even though everyone keeps saying almost there sitting at work doesnt help either so your not alone
lol i feel you! i just turned 35 weeks, and i feel like these last 5 weeks will just drag on!! So dont worry you are not alone hunny