okay i am 38 weeks and 3 days im 95% effaced and 3-4 centimeters dialated. i had contractions two days ago they were every 3 minutes and lasted 40 seconds so i went in and they said that they were not strong enough and sent me home. i am in so much pain and already had an ultrasound because i am measuring 41 weeks and that was a week ago, they said if i make it to this friday i will be induced but i am afraid of being induced from stories i have heard. did castor oil work for you and what happened exactly? please no negative answers. thank you in advanced
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WTF they should of took you in, they are SUPPOSE TO when you hit 3 cm, thats when they keep you, and if you do not dialate anymore within a certain amount of time, then they induce you.
i was induced with my first, and it did NOT hurt him.
dont listen to stupid stories.
or people.
they would not induce women if it harmed your unborn baby.
i heard commericals on harmful drugs used to induce labor or something like that.
they are just trying to make money.
our world involves around money now.
tell you what, have some good sex for a good hour, then RIGHT AFTER,
start walking until you start feeling "pains" in your belly,
then go to the hospital
guarentee it will work =)
worked with my 2nd baby.
1st baby i had no sex at all,
thats cause his daddy left me.
sooo yea
I would advise against it. It can lead to the baby pooping in your waters and then ingesting it, making it sick and leading to an induction (it happened to my friend). Induction is not that bad. My cousin went in to be induced and didn't even use pain killers. If you are thinking about doing your labour with pain killers than it shouldn't pose as a problem. Lots of people go through it and it's not worth your healthy baby becoming extremely ill.
Ive heard that castor oil isnt advised to use now days (but have heard it does work if your brave enough to drink it)!!
A great natural way to being on labour is semen. By swallowing and also intercourse (if possible in your current situation)
Also you can get raspberry tea tablets which are just a health tablet that is meant to also help bring on labour. Good luck, Ive also been told being induced brings on a more painful labour xx
Castor oil is a do-it-yourself induction and often leads to meconium in the amniotic fluid (indicating a stressed fetus). Don't do it unless you like being ill, instead take some Benedryl and sleep as much as you can right now, you will be in full labor by 8 hours.
it did work for me.i have two girls and with both of mine i carried them two weeks over due.i had a midwife at the hospital and she said the next day i would be induced so i took the caster oil and it started labor that very night.and i had the baby the next day.now what i did was get the caster oil with no taste and i took 1 tablespoon of it and one tablespoon of the strongest juice,which happened to be grape.every hour i did that up to four hours and it cleans you out and starts contractions.so you have to make sure you are by a bathroom.but after that four hours i had contractions very strong,so i definitely recommend this.hope it helps
To the idiot who said being induced brings on a painful labor that's laughable.. do not worry that's untrue.. and considering that dummy also has a baby due march 23rd 2010 i think we can assume she is not too bright
becareful with castor oil for some it works and for others it doesnt.... but becareful and be prepared for the taste.. its horrible