i'm pregnant with my 3rd baby. i got induced with my sencond one, and it's been so long since my first was born, so i kinda forgot about all this labor stuff. :) i had a doc appointment last friday and i was 2 cm dilated, 50% effaced. i had another appointment today and i'm 4 cm dilated and 80% effaced. i was up until 2 am last night timing contractions, but they weren't regular. i lost my plug last saturday, and she has already dropped. i'm just curious about when labor might come, i know every pregnancy is different, i just need some insight and want to hear your stories.
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It's hard to say, but I'm thinking anytime now. My contractions were irregular with my son, but when they admitted me to induce due to high blood pressure, I was already dilated to five and they considered my contractions to be "productive." I would say with the progress you have made, you are getting pretty close. I would keep the phone handy and don't hesitate to head into the hospital if you feel the contractions are getting intense. Much better to be sent home than to have a desperate s/o trying to deliver the baby in the car.
mom of two Boys! in simple terms Had somewhat one 4 Months in the past! and have a three 12 months previous! Oh Honey! i think your soreness! enable me tell u something that labored with the two My Pregnancies and labored! With my First toddler i improve into 38 Weeks and a pair of Days , NO Dilation , NO Effacing! My acquaintances informed ( whom the two had in simple terms had toddlers) pronounced if checklist. Says its ok bypass UP STAIRS suited now and have intercourse! i improve into Like What? i'm no longer interior the temper for intercourse! yet did it besides! ( could have an orgasm if u can , brings on contractions ) nicely that improve into 11 Pm , 4 Am Rolled around began Having Contractions! 5 minutes aside! Had Him 8 PM That night! 2d toddler Did the above yet lower back! yet at 37 weeks and 5 Days! improve into interior the scientific institution that comparable Morning after intercourse! it works!!! And if I even have yet another toddler! i'm doing it lower back! HaHa!
If your up to it, have sex. That is what put me into labor, and I was only 1 1/2cm, no effacement 2 days earlier. Good luck!
Get ur foot massaged! Contractions will kick into gear tommorow night ull have da baby
i would bet money you are and that by the end of this weekend you are holding a beautiful baby in your tired little arms
o speed things up try sitting on a yoga ball leaning diff ways
since yahoo answers is full of horney 15 year olds, i doubt this is the place to ask this question