ill be 40 weeks tomorrow. i havent lost my mucus plug no bad contractions, nothing. last week when i went to the doctors was not dilate at all. is this normal to not be having ANY labor signs? i am getting induced sat if i dont go into labor naturally, what are the chances i will be going into labor or will i have to be induced?
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I had no signs of labour till my due date so right at 40 weeks. I went into labour and had my daughter that day :) my water did not break the dr broke my water when I was 10cm and my daughter was born 10 minutes later. Good luck!
Rottweiler's are pregnant for about 8 weeks not 6 so if she is in labor she's losing the litter. You need to take your dog to a vet, she should have gone as soon as you knew she was pregnant, also you should have started doing your research, many things could be going wrong and there may have been other signs you have missed. Pregnancy is hard on your dog and you could lose all the pups as well as her, you'll need to get her to a vet immediately.
I never had any signs or anything at 42 weeks! then i was induced and still nothing but a few contractions but i wouldn't dilate i ended up having a c section after over 20 hours so it could go either way i wouldnt worry about it too much if you can still feel the baby move
i am getting induced sat if i dont go into labor naturally, what are the chances i will be going into labor or will i have to be induced?"
Why are tehy inducing you so early? no wonder the c-section rates are outrageous. If you are healthy then there really isn't a reason why you can't wait. You don't HAVE to be induced, you can refuse. If it were me, i certainly would. Even ACOG recomends against routine induction before 42 weeks without a real medical concern
Could be any time now. The fact that you have no signs of labor to date is of no concern or consequence. Doesn't sound at this point that you have anything to worry about. Relax prepare to welcome your new arrival. And induction shouldn't change the experience for you in any way that I can imagine. If this is your first birth, then it's normal for you to be concerned over any and every thing that you deem to be possibly out of the ordinary. But this is not of concern at this point. Try to relax and don't let worry spoil your magical experience. Your doctor or midwife should have the situation fully under control. God Bless you and your baby.
With my first child, I actually went into labor (and delivered) at 40 weeks on the day. I didn't have any signs before hand, only dilated to 1cm, no effacement, not even any Braxton Hicks. Maybe you'll go on your own before Saturday. Good luck!
I was 15 when I had my son and I was gooing to be induced if I didn't have him until 43weeks so he was late. I had him naturally a day before I was induced. If you can try waiting atleast , wlk around a lot
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