I am a Republican, I come from Atlantis. I was the one who shot Kennedy because I was mad because he wanted to pull the troops out of Nam. I have also rode shot gun on the Loch Ness monster. Me and my Republican friends believe the best way to improve troop morale is to praise the troops in speeches while slashing veterans benefits and combat pay.
We believe in providing health care to all Iraqi's is good , providing health care to all Americans is socialism. I and my republican friends believe a President who lie's about getting a hummer is a impeachable offense. A President lying to enlist support for a war in which thousands die is solid defense policy.
WE believe Saddam was a good guy when Reagan armed him, a bad guy when Bush's daddy made war on him, a good guy when Cheney did business with him, and a bad guy when Bush needed a "we can't find Bin Laden" diversion.
Trade with Cuba is wrong because they're communist, but trade with China is o.k.
Please vote Republican?
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I get your drift and that about sums it up, except that the CIA put Saddam in power to take on Iran, which he did! We were selling him dual use technology up to the day we went to war with him, and it was approved by this administration!
We paid him back for doing what we wanted!
Another cry baby Liberal.
And, of course, not one shred of any suggestions on how the Dems would do a better job.
A few simple words of wisdom:
If you Democrats continue with your smattering of negativity and Bush bashing and don't soon come up with at least a smidgen of your own original agenda - you're going to crash and burn in 2008.
Can't you see this??
I am and always will be a republican. The democrats can not be trusted while America is so fragil. All democrats do is sweep things under the table and make the poor dependant on the government.
Yup case closed. Because of your sarcastic rendition or policy inconsistencies, junk science and speculative analysis of fuzzy news shots shouldn't be enough to convince you or anybody else otherwise. If not where are all the missing people from the supposed planes and the planes themselves?
9/11 is not closed, it is the system of terror that USofA practice and 9/11 is the famous.
Enough already.
One good turn does not always deserve another.
Besides - you didn't kill Kennedy. I did.
Whats the question?
you raise lots of good examples of their double think policies.
i agree with you 100 % also Reagan believed osama bin-laden was a GOOD GUY.................
you are a radical from a dying(mainly because of the proven ingnorance of its teaching) creed