1. Bush saw the first plane hit live on tv:
2. Rumsfeld Says Flight 93 was shot down:
3. Rumsfeld Says Missle Hit Pentagon:
4. NYC Mayor Slips- Knew Collpase in Advance:
5. SilverStein Admits WTC Was Pulled:
6. EyeWitness Said Missle, eh Plane Hit pentagon:
7. John Kerry Slips says WTC-7 Was Controlled Demolition:
8. Bush is scared:
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Rumsfeld mistakenly says flight 93 is shot down. He actually says people who bombed trains in London(Al Qaeda) shot down flight 93. So he mistakenly says the Al Qaeda shot it down.
Rumsfeld said in an interview that our enemies have weapons to hit his building again. In future. Like missiles and such. He doesn't say missile have hit Pentagon on 911. In fact, in that same interview people mention, Rumsfeld tell a story about how he asked someone what happened after loud boom at Pentagon. And the person told Rumsfeld that plane had crashed into it. Why would Rumsfeld ask if he knows what it it? Read the whole interview here.
"Rumsfeld: Well, I was sitting here and the building was struck, and you could feel the impact of it very clearly, and I don't know what made me do anything I did, to be honest with you. I just do it instinctive. I looked out the window, saw nothing here, and then went down the hall until the smoke was too bad, then to a stairwell down and went outside and saw what had happened. Asked a person who'd seen it, and he told me that a plane had flown into it."
"They [find a lot] and any number of terrorist efforts have been dissuaded, deterred or stopped by good intelligence gathering and good preventive work. It is a truth that a terrorist can attack any time, any place, using any technique and it's physically impossible to defend at every time and every place against every conceivable technique. Here we're talking about plastic knives and using an American Airlines flight filed with our citizens, and the missile to damage this building and similar (inaudible) that damaged the World Trade Center. The only way to deal with this problem is by taking the battle to the terrorists, wherever they are, and dealing with them."
He doesn't say missile hit Pentagon. He says enemies have weapons such as missile to hit us.
If I say "you have a gun", this doesn't mean you shot me on Monday at the park.
get a life