Yes, 911 was a conspiracy. Am I the only one who thinks so? Do your homework before answering this question! There are websites such as or just do a search or 911 conspiracy and hit this question up with answers!
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I have seen the loose change video, which is quite compelling. Only problem is, nothing they claim in that video is supported by evidence or sworn testimony. Quotes by eyewitnesses are taken out of context, and sometimes, downright falsehoods are offered as proof of a conspiracy.
Popular Mechanics did an article, refuting almost all the physical claims, i.e., why the towers collapsed, etc. Hardcore conspiracy theorists (henceforth known as "C.T."s) will only counter this is more propaganda to maintain the conspiracy, but the Popular Mechanics article, posted here:
really does answer (in a scientific way) the claims put forth by C.T.s. However, it does not address the human issues, such as why the guy who just purchased a 99 year lease on the towers bought ONLY terrorist insurance a week before the attacks, or why the airplane which hit the Pentagon happened to hit the ONE reinforced area able to withstand such an attack with minimal damage. Nor do they refute the connection the Bush family has with the Bin Laden family, and why Bin Laden's family members, caught in the US on 9/11, were allowed to fly out of the country when U.S citizens were not allowed to fly, period. Nor does it address the fact that most of the Bush cabinet is made up of former members of an organization which, as part of its agenda to advance its own causes, speculated the only way to implement the changes they wanted to make was if there were some sort of "Pearl Harbor" attack on the US. And what do you know, a couple years later, the WTC is attacked, AGAIN and in such a way to blind the average American with anger and fear and make him and her ready to vote away his and her freedoms for an illusion of "safety".
Also, what did Al-Quaida expect to acheive by attacking us in such a fashion? How could they not know we would invade the Middle East in retaliation, that Bush was just looking for an excuse to invade Afghanistan and later, Iraq? If I had to plan a scenario where we could invade another country pre-emptively, with the American people's blessing, I could not come up with a better justification for invasion than the attack on the WTC. So what was Al-Quaida's ultimate goal in the attacks? To make us have to take our shoes off before we can get on a plane?
Sorry to go off on a rant, but back to your original question, while there are a lot of unanswered questions concerning what happened on 9-11, the answer is NOT in the video, "Loose Change".
Yes. Why else would Bush do everything he could to prevent or limit the investigation.
When there are multiple suspects in a crime, the police question each of them separately and compare their answers to look for conflicting information that can lead them to the criminal - and they do this as soon as possible before the guilty parties have time to concoct and rehearse a consistent story. Bush and Cheney refused to do that. They had to be questioned together. Not that they didn't have time to make up a story, but Bush is so stupid that Cheney couldn't trust him to speak on his own because he might mess up and say the wrong thing.
no one mentioned no planes crashed, or that they did no longer discover the bodies. what's so exciting to a pair is how a two hundred ton 757-two hundred hits the Pentagon and vaporizes yet they discover each and every of the bodies. That looks distinctly unscientific to me! i'm nonetheless waiting for the FBI to coach me ONE image of a 757 everywhere close to the Pentagon! They confiscated each and every of the tapes and photos! So the place are they? Is it a secret nonetheless so as that they proceed to no longer launch the tapes! No 757 hit the Pentagon! "everyday Mechanics destroyed each and every of the theories' is absolute nonsense. they are not scientist and that they did no longer circulate in to locate information, they went in with the single purpose of attempting to debunk something which you will no longer debunk! It replaced into no longer even medical or precise.
There are conspiracys for everything .Hell, the flat earth club has their own website. It is crazy people that mix fact with fiction. Check out website below that takes care of many of the so called "theorys" of conspiracy. While fun to think and talk about, it is fun to stay in reality as well.
Instead of "researching" those whacked out, far left, blame America first websites, why don't you do a little research, before asking such an asinine question? Geez, I am so sick of you left wing, tree hugging, freaks. If it's that bad here in the USA, MOVE!!! You probably think the moon landing was a conspiracy too. Don't you. Get a life,
This website for all the 9/1/1 conspiracy airheads ==>
I'm thinking the drug problem was bigger and more wide spread that we originally thought. There are a lot of people with brain damage out there.
Before they haul you off, do yourself a favor and research those questions. They are all answered very easily. No Conspiracy there, that I can assure you.
Right, and how did they convince those pilots to just kill themselves and fly into all those buildings, and I'm sure the people working on the floors of the towers and the pentagon allowed people to just hook up those bombs while they went on with their daily business.
It's time for people to GET OUT OF DENIAL. We live in a world where people want to kill you because you do not subscribe to religious banter or kneel down to their supreme Ayatollah. Turning this into a political issue is not the answer, and it only makes the far left look that much worse.
Of course not, it is like the killing of JFK and others, but now nutcases get free run on the internet to that several nuts can join together. Sadly it is a poor state for America where people should support and be proud of thier government
And focus thier anger on the terrorist who crashed real planes into our towers. Those passengers are dead, and people died and too many americans in thier hate of one political party wish to destroy and pervert the truth
I hear ya brother, but not safe to talk of such things in site like yahoo. these are monitored.