I need to create an A/R aging report using proper functions to "code" the due dates, and then use PivotTable to create the summary report. I'm not sure what the proper functions "codes" are or how they work. Please help!
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your book doesnt give you any examples or hints?
a function would be something like SUM()
That formula will use the sum() function to sum cells A1 to A9
since an A/R is usually 30/60/90 days paste due...then you would have to sue the if() function....and the today() function
then put an invoice number in A1
an Amount in B1
a date in C1
D1 would be this formula
then change dates in C1. if it goes more then 30 days, then it shows up in the 30 days past due cell that you just created. if its not over 30 days old, then it doesnt show up as delinquent.
just mess around with it, and enjoy your homework.
i wouldnt use this formula, because (since you need a pivot table) pivot tables hate blank spaces.
Aging Report In Excel