hola kiero saber cuales son las abreviaturas
ejemplo - you--> u
pero mas el q m de mas abreviaturas 10 puntos =D
b/f - boyfriend Novio
BRB - Be Right Back VUelvo enseguida
BTW - By the way Por cierto
FYI - For Your Information PAra tu informacion
HTH - Hope This Helps Espero q esto funcione
IMHO - In my humble opinion EN mi humilde opinion
IMO - In My Opinion EN mi opinion
IMPE - In My Personal Experience en mi personal experiencia
IOW - In Other Words in otras palabras
J/K - Just kidding solo bromeaba
LOL - Laughing Out Loud riendome ...en alto...
ya las demas no las tradusco espero le entiendas
* B4N Bye for now
* BFF Best friends forever
* BRB Be right back
* BTDT Been there, done that
* BTW By the way
* COZ Because
* CUL8R See you later
* EG Evil Grin
* EZ Easy
* FYI For your information
* G2G Got to go
* GR8 Great
* GTG Got to go
* HAND Have a nice day
* IDK I don't know
* ILY I love you
* IM Instant messaging
* IMHO In my humble opinion
* K Okay
* L8R Later
* LOL Laughing out loud
* MOS Mom over shoulder
* NE Any
* OMG Oh my gosh!
* PLZ Please
* POS Parent over shoulder
* ROTFL Rolling on the floor laughing
* RUOK? Are you okay?
* SOS Sibling over shoulder
* TMI Too much information
* TMTH Too much to handle
* TTFN Ta ta for now
* U You
* W/E Whatever
* XOXO Hugs and kisses
* Y Why
* ZZZ Tired or bored
* ? Huh? or Question
how r u ? = How are you ?
Do not = Don't
Hello = Hi
She is = She's
I will = I'll
y asi caz jugando con las palabras :D
ily = i love you
ttyl= talk to you later
lol= laughing out loud
awsm= awasome
gonna= going to
aqui estan todas http://www.ee.isics.es/futuretense_cs/ccurl/Excele...
y recuerda darme 10 puntos
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Verified answer
b/f - boyfriend Novio
BRB - Be Right Back VUelvo enseguida
BTW - By the way Por cierto
FYI - For Your Information PAra tu informacion
HTH - Hope This Helps Espero q esto funcione
IMHO - In my humble opinion EN mi humilde opinion
IMO - In My Opinion EN mi opinion
IMPE - In My Personal Experience en mi personal experiencia
IOW - In Other Words in otras palabras
J/K - Just kidding solo bromeaba
LOL - Laughing Out Loud riendome ...en alto...
ya las demas no las tradusco espero le entiendas
* B4N Bye for now
* BFF Best friends forever
* BRB Be right back
* BTDT Been there, done that
* BTW By the way
* COZ Because
* CUL8R See you later
* EG Evil Grin
* EZ Easy
* FYI For your information
* G2G Got to go
* GR8 Great
* GTG Got to go
* HAND Have a nice day
* IDK I don't know
* ILY I love you
* IM Instant messaging
* IMHO In my humble opinion
* K Okay
* L8R Later
* LOL Laughing out loud
* MOS Mom over shoulder
* NE Any
* OMG Oh my gosh!
* PLZ Please
* POS Parent over shoulder
* ROTFL Rolling on the floor laughing
* RUOK? Are you okay?
* SOS Sibling over shoulder
* TMI Too much information
* TMTH Too much to handle
* TTFN Ta ta for now
* U You
* W/E Whatever
* XOXO Hugs and kisses
* Y Why
* ZZZ Tired or bored
* ? Huh? or Question
how r u ? = How are you ?
Do not = Don't
Hello = Hi
She is = She's
I will = I'll
y asi caz jugando con las palabras :D
ily = i love you
ttyl= talk to you later
lol= laughing out loud
awsm= awasome
gonna= going to
aqui estan todas http://www.ee.isics.es/futuretense_cs/ccurl/Excele...
y recuerda darme 10 puntos