I have a 25 gallon talltank already set up for shellies. It's at 77.5 constantly with a PH of 8.6. its set up with some texas holey rock in the back with some nice caves of slate in the corner. i have a few live plants and a fake one. its all set up with Silver and Gold mouth turbo shells throughout the front. I was thinking for a nice tank set up I'd pick 4-6 shellies, 2 Altolamprologus Calvus, and a Convict Julie. But I'm deciding between either Lamprologus Ocellatus or some smaller Multis. if i get the the Lamprologus Ocellatus I'd get a male and three females according to my research. Or maybe two males and 4 females if i get Multis? ANY comments or thoughts would be very helpful.
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i'm considering a shellie tank also, except mine would only be a 20 gallon long and would probably just house one species. I've heard that you can do 2 species, but i jsut want to keep it simple and not too aggressive. I've heard that judiochromis? or another smaller rock dweller would be compatible. I would probably avoid convicts since I've read that they become aggressive. I don't know about calvus The ratio should be more females to males, but if you got 10 or so, I'm sure they'd pair up on their own. good luck!