Why does it matter because he young black and successful we all make mistakes and maybe some good will come from his. Some mistakes are more severe than other but we are no better than each other. I don't think that what ever he did wrong was right but he is not the first and sadly he will not be the last crime exist in all aspects of life hip hop, rock & roll country, jazz, etc.
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a lotta different thingz and the only thing i remember is distribution of drugz being in da drug buzinezz.
Why does it matter because he young black and successful we all make mistakes and maybe some good will come from his. Some mistakes are more severe than other but we are no better than each other. I don't think that what ever he did wrong was right but he is not the first and sadly he will not be the last crime exist in all aspects of life hip hop, rock & roll country, jazz, etc.
A traffic ticket for being double parked in front of his Grandma's house.
i thought it was stealing cars and he made some shi* to benefit other ppl who were convicted of stealing cars
well having sex with kids on stage is one drugs an armed or strong armed robbery
Armed robbery and drug distribution