bueno veran io estudiando y como estaba mal no fui los primeros dias y me enterado que han dejado que resumamos la obra del The client de john grisham en ingles e tratado de conseguir el libro y buscar por internet y no encontrado lo malo que solo tengo 2 dias pa hacerlo alguien puede ayudarme porfa???
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bueno ps ojala te ayude......... tengo en español el resumen ya weno
The Client is a book written by John Grisham which tells us a story about two young brothers who are witnesses of a suicide. Not only have they seen the man murder himself but the oldest brother called Mark, has been talking to him in the car before.
The man who committed suicide is a Mafia lawyer called Jerome Clifford who was defending Barry Muldanno alias The Blade. His client was convicted for having killed a senator but they didn't have any evidence because they couldn't find the body. His trial would be in four weeks but as they couldn't prove anything Barry Muldanno wasn't worried about his sentence.
Barry Muldanno had told his lawyer Clifford that the senator's body had been hidden in his garage. Clifford is very afraid of Muldanno, he knows that his client together with the other Mafia members have got lot of power. He therefore wanted to commit suicide so that he wouldn't be involved anymore in this case. Unfortunately for him, Mark and his brother Ricky see him trying to gas himself inside the car, and Mark, being a very brave boy, takes out the tube of the tail pipe of the car, but the second time he does it he gets caught. Clifford takes him into his car and starts talking with him. He explains him the whole story and ends by saying that now Mark and he will die together… Mark smells the gas already but when he looks in the mirror he sees that Ricky is taking out the tube just the same way as Mark did. When Clifford is asleep, due to the alcohol and the gas, he manages to get out of the car and together with his brother he hides in the grass.
A few seconds later, Clifford gets out of the car, very angry looking and shouting for Mark. As he can't find him, he puts his gun in his mouth and shoots…
Ricky is in hospital. He is in shock which is caused by the terrible thing he saw. The doctors can't find an explanation for his case but they don't know what has really happened.
Just after what they saw, Mark called the police but he didn't give his name, and now the FBI is in the hospital wanting to talk to Mark. He doesn't want to in the beginning but later on he has to. He doesn't explain them everything because he is afraid that if the Mafia will find out what he knows, he will get into trouble. He manages to get himself and his family a lawyer, Reggie Love, who has a bit of an extraordinary name as she is a woman.
The FBI knows that Mark isn't telling them every detail due to the fingerprints found in Clifford's car and they pressure him to tell them.
Reggie feels sorry for him but she can't allow him to lie in court. When Gronke appears, Mark is even more petrified. He is being threatened by him with a knife not to tell anyone what he knows because his mother and his brother will then get into trouble.
He is being put in prison, because he doesn't want to talk and like this he is being protected at the same time. When after a few days he still doesn't want to talk in court in front of Judge Roosevelt he is brought back to his cell. He manages to escape and get into contact with Reggie. He tells her to drive to New Orleans. Once having arrived there they go to Clifford's house. When they are hiding in the grass they see light in the garage. Mark walks to it and through a window he sees that it is Barry the Blade who is digging up the body. Reggie gets an idea, and she throws a stone through the next door's window causing the alarm to go off. When everything is silent again they enter the garage and they find the senator's body in a plastic bag.
Once being back again in Memphis, Mark and his family are waiting for the FBI jet to arrive which will take them to another place, now that they have accepted the Witness Protection Programme. Ricky will be treated in another hospital and the family will be protected. Mark and Reggie are both sad because they know that they will never see each other again.
As all three of them leave on the plane, Reggie tells the FBI everything what she knows and what she has seen.
Mark Sway,
He is a very intelligent and smart boy of only eleven years old. He knows quite well how to handle the situation although he is very scared but that is normal. I think it is very smart the way that he took his lawyer Reggie to Clifford's garage but also the way that he escaped from prison.
For his age he knows a lot about life, but he has also seen many films to which he refers in real life.
He started smoking when he was nine, and now he is even showing his little brother who is eight.
Just as in chapter 4 is explained, `Mark was a thinker and a worrier'.
Ricky Sway,
Ricky is Mark's brother, who is eight years old. He is still a very delicate boy who hasn't seen as many films as his brother. He gets in shock after seeing a suicide, and we don't know much about him as he is all the time asleep, and when he is awake he won't talk.
Dianne Sway,
Dianne is the mother of both boys, and on her own she needs to educate her children because five years ago her husband left them. We know that the boys are happy about that because it seems that their father was always very violent and drunk.
Dianne lives with her family in a trailer in a trailer park. She is very sad as her youngest son is in hospital.
Reggie Love,
Reggie love is a female lawyer who has been a lawyer for five years. Her real name was actually Regina but a few years ago she got separated from her husband who was a doctor and he changed her name to Reggie. The FBI found out that she started drinking and taking drugs and her children were taken away from her by her ex-husband.
She is a bit of an unusual lawyer as she accepts to take Mark's case for only one dollar.
Barry Muldanno,
`Or simple The Blade as he liked to be called, wore shiny suits and a lot of gold. Barry enjoyed a fast life, and liked people to be afraid of him.'
Barry Muldanno is a Mafia member who is accused of killing a senator. He is a very cold blooded man because he even sends a murderer to do something to Mark as he knows more about the case.
He likes to kill because when he sent Gronke to threaten Mark he was a bit disappointed that he couldn't harm him more and so he opposed to hurt his family. Luckily the Gronke wasn't in the `mood'.
Roy Foltrigg,
Foltrigg is a US government lawyer whose job is to prove that Barry Muldanno killed the senator. He tries everything to make Mark talk and at the end he proposes to take Mark to court in New Orleans where he was sure that they could make him talk.
Slick Moeller,
He is a crime reporter who works on the Memphis Press. His real name is actually Alfred but nobody knows about it. He never names a person who trusted him with information and he knows everything about every crime committed, even before the cops.
THE CLIENT: (traducción)
Capitulo 1:
Mark Sway tenia 11 años y fumaba desde hace dos. Su hermano de 8 (Ricky) lo pilló fumando y le dijo que no lo diría si le enseñaba a el a hacerlo. Lo llevó donde fumó su primer cigarrillo, se sentia mal por enseñarle porque su cometido era cuidarle. Se sentía como un padre de 11 años. Le enseño a jugar al fútbol, montar en bici, le advirtió del peligro de las drogas y le protegía de los mas mayores y agresivos en el colegio. Y antes del divorcio de sus padres hace dos años, le protegía del padre que bebía y les pegaba.
Se sacó un cigarrillo y un mechero del bolsillo. Riky le pregunto si con eso enfermaria y le dijo que si tragaba mucho humo si. Mark esperaba que el pequeño se sintiera mal y no quisiera volver a hacerlo. Le dijo que le mirara y le dio una calada antes de pasarselo. Riky le dió otra y dijo que era divertido, pero Mark le dijo que era demasiado joven para hacerlo.
- Riky: “¿A que edad empezaste tu?
- Mark: A los 9 pero era mas maduro.
(Eso era verdad, siempre fue mas maduro. Con 7 años le dio con un bate a su padre cuando este le estaba pegando a su madre. Y cuando tenia 8 convenció a su madre para divorciarse.)
Justo después escucharon un motor en el camino, y poco después apareció un coche grande y negro que paró. Ellos miraban entre los árboles, Mark se acerco y el pequeño lo siguió.
Riky: tiene matricula de luisiana
Mark: shhhhh
Un hombre calvo y gordo estaba junto al coche con el motor encendido. Los dos tiraron el cigarro y lo pisaron. EL hombre tenia una manguera, que puso en el tubo de escape y el otro extremo la coló por la ventanilla casi cerrada y se metio dentro cerrando la puerta.
Riky: ¿Qué hace?
Mark: (horrorizado) ¡Intenta suicidarse! Lo vi en una peli, el humo le matará. Tenemos que hacer algo
Riky: No, vamonos, no quiero estar aquí.
Mark: (que no escuchaba a su hermano) Tengo una idea, espera aquí. Se agachó y se metio por entre la hierba despacio. No queria que el hombre lo viera. Se acercó al coche, quito la maguera del tubo y la dejó en el suelo y volvio donde Riky.
Riky: ¿Por qué lo has hecho?
Mark: Intentar salvarle la vida, si no consigue matarse ahora, quiza no lo vuelva a intentar mas…
De repente el hombre volvió a salir, cabreado y con una botella de wisky en la mano, Volvió a poner la manguera y se metió otra vez al coche.
Riky: esta loco, vamonos
Mark: aun no, podemos meternos en un lio si descubren que no hicimos nada por evitarlo.
Riky: pero nosotros no podemos llamar a nadie que venga, vamonos Mark! (estaba asustado)
Mark: espera, no podemos permitirlo, lo intentamos una vez mas y si no desiste nos vamos, vale?
Riky asintio y vio como Mark volvia al coche. Pero esta vez la puerta se abrio y salio el hombre detrás del muchacho. Este se tropezo y no pudo evitar que el hombre l