Okay, so I don't take lessons but I do go riding with friends as much as I can. I've loved horses ever since I was two and I read books on them constantly to learn as much as I can. Am I still considered an equestrian even if I don't ride as much as I'd like to? Or do I have to technically compete in shows to be considered one?
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In my opinion, an equestrian is someone who works around or rides horses on a regular basis. Don't have to show or do anything fancy.
So yes, I'd consider you an equestrian!
An equestrian is someone who works with and uses horses. Some professional show riders ( I am going to take a LOT of hate mail for this)(I am talking about meat in the seat) are not. I am not saying those who train. I am saying those who jump on a push button horse and just sit while the horse listens to the announcer tell them what gait to be in.
You ride, you use a horse. An equestrian can trail ride, race, show, ride gymkhana, or those who shoot, sword fight, or joust are all equestrians. I disagree that anyone who loves horses is an equestrian, but anyone who completes that bond to these majestic animals is.
Of course you are. Anyone who rides and dreams and works around horses is an equestrian. With the love and passion you have it can be definitely considered equestrianism. I even wrote a poem on it. It included not just showing but the love and adoring a true of horses and equestrianism.
Yes, i don't even own or lease a horse, i volunteer at a barn and i get free hour long riding lessons and i go every sunday, i call myself an equestrian and i don't do shows, i want to but maybe when I'm better. I think anyone who loves and cares about horses is an equestrian even if they don't ride a lot, and atleast you try to ride as much as you can.
If you want to be an equestrian then you are one:) But to me, and equestrian isn't just someone who shows, but someone who truly understands horses and are comfortable with them
Yes, of course you are!!
If you love it, if its your type of sport and of course your hobby then yes you are an equestrian! To have a love and passion for something always makes you part of that sport. In this case, for you it is Equestrianism so that easily makes you an Equestrian!(:
anyone who rides or is around horses regularly is an equestrian! and never let anyone tell you your not!
Yes! If you ride, you're an equestrian :)