I have a macro that does this. Paste the below VBA code into your Visual Basic Editor. To get to your VBE -- goto Tools=>Macro=>Visual Basic Editor. Once in the editor goto Insert=>Module, then paste the code in the blank module. Put the start number of your range in cell B1, the end number in B2, and the number of numbers you need (20) in B3 -- then goto Tools=>Macro=>Macros and run the macro "Random"
Sub Random()
' This macro allows the random generation of unique
' numbers. The user specifies how many numbers and
' in what range the numbers should fall.
Dim low 'The starting number of the range -- will not change.
Dim high 'The maximum number of the range -- will not change.
Dim numbers 'How many numbers requested -- this will change.
Dim rowNum 'Which row to insert numbers into -- will change.
Dim colNum 'Which column to insert numbers into -- will not change.
Dim currCell 'Cell to put number into -- will change.
Dim dupCheck 'Cells to check duplicates against -- will change.
Dim rowNumDup 'Row number to create dupCheck -- will change.
Dim numbersOrig 'How many numbers requested -- will not change.
Dim checkCell 'Cell to use to check for duplicates -- will change.
Dim unique 'Number of unique numbers possible -- will not change.
Dim x 'Counter for Status bar
'Define Variables
low = [B1].Value
high = [B2].Value + 1
numbers = [B3].Value
numbersOrig = [B3].Value
rowNum = 2
colNum = 5
rowNumDup = 2
unique = (high - low)
x = 0
'Clear out any numbers that are in column E
'Send message if numbers requested is more than possible unique numbers.
'If numbers requested is more than possible, skip to end of macro.
If unique < numbersOrig Then
MsgBox "Please revise the criteria. There are only " & _
unique & _
" unique numbers between " & _
low & _
" and " & _
(high - 1) & _
GoTo 777
End If
'Define which cell to begin working in.
Set currCell = ActiveSheet.Cells(rowNum, colNum)
Set checkCell = ActiveSheet.Cells(rowNum, colNum)
Set dupCheck = ActiveSheet.Cells(rowNumDup, colNum)
Answers & Comments
Verified answer
I have a macro that does this. Paste the below VBA code into your Visual Basic Editor. To get to your VBE -- goto Tools=>Macro=>Visual Basic Editor. Once in the editor goto Insert=>Module, then paste the code in the blank module. Put the start number of your range in cell B1, the end number in B2, and the number of numbers you need (20) in B3 -- then goto Tools=>Macro=>Macros and run the macro "Random"
Sub Random()
' This macro allows the random generation of unique
' numbers. The user specifies how many numbers and
' in what range the numbers should fall.
Dim low 'The starting number of the range -- will not change.
Dim high 'The maximum number of the range -- will not change.
Dim numbers 'How many numbers requested -- this will change.
Dim rowNum 'Which row to insert numbers into -- will change.
Dim colNum 'Which column to insert numbers into -- will not change.
Dim currCell 'Cell to put number into -- will change.
Dim dupCheck 'Cells to check duplicates against -- will change.
Dim rowNumDup 'Row number to create dupCheck -- will change.
Dim numbersOrig 'How many numbers requested -- will not change.
Dim checkCell 'Cell to use to check for duplicates -- will change.
Dim unique 'Number of unique numbers possible -- will not change.
Dim x 'Counter for Status bar
'Define Variables
low = [B1].Value
high = [B2].Value + 1
numbers = [B3].Value
numbersOrig = [B3].Value
rowNum = 2
colNum = 5
rowNumDup = 2
unique = (high - low)
x = 0
'Clear out any numbers that are in column E
'Send message if numbers requested is more than possible unique numbers.
'If numbers requested is more than possible, skip to end of macro.
If unique < numbersOrig Then
MsgBox "Please revise the criteria. There are only " & _
unique & _
" unique numbers between " & _
low & _
" and " & _
(high - 1) & _
GoTo 777
End If
'Define which cell to begin working in.
Set currCell = ActiveSheet.Cells(rowNum, colNum)
Set checkCell = ActiveSheet.Cells(rowNum, colNum)
Set dupCheck = ActiveSheet.Cells(rowNumDup, colNum)
'Label Column E Numbers
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Numbers"
ActiveCell.Font.Bold = True
ActiveCell.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle
'Begin generating numbers -- stop when reach requested amount
Do While numbers > 0
x = x + 1
currCell.Value = Int((low - high) * Rnd + high)
'Clear formatting
currCell.Font.Bold = False
currCell.Font.Underline = False
'Check for duplicates beginning with second number generated.
If rowNum > 2 Then
'Reset rowNumDup to 2
rowNumDup = 2
'Continue checking until each preceding number is checked.
Do Until rowNumDup = rowNum
Set dupCheck = ActiveSheet.Cells(rowNumDup, colNum)
'If number matches a previous number, regenerate number by not
'restting the variables.
If dupCheck = currCell Then
numbers = numbers
rowNum = rowNum
x = x - 1
'If a match is found skip to beginning of loop.
GoTo 555
End If
'Set variable to check next cell.
rowNumDup = rowNumDup + 1
End If
'If number is not a duplicate set variables to generate next number.
numbers = numbers - 1
rowNum = rowNum + 1
Set currCell = ActiveSheet.Cells(rowNum, colNum)
'Display Message in Status Bar
Application.StatusBar = "Generating random number " _
& x & " of " & numbersOrig & " and checking for duplicates. There are " _
& numbers & " more random numbers to generate."
'Sort in numerical order
'Display Message in Status Bar and delay so message is visible.
Application.StatusBar = "Sorting in numerical order."
startTime = Timer
Do While Timer - startTime < 0.75
Selection.sort Key1:=Range("E1"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
'Unselect and go to Cell B1
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Application.StatusBar = "Finished."
End Sub
in cell A1 type: =rand()*100
this will give you numbers between 0 and 100
hit enter. Format cell to no decimal places(whole numbers)
Now highlight on cell and drag down all the way to cell A20 (copy)
There's your 20 random numbers.
Want 20 more--hit F9