Anastasia VHS Movie ~ FOX Commercial Music Question?

Okay, I'm trying my last shot to finding this song. Basically, you'll know what I'm talking about if you have the animated Anastasia VHS movie. Before the movie actually starts, you know how commercials usually run? Well, there's this one long commercial showcasing a whole bunch of shows that have been featured on FOX. There's this really nice music playing in the background, with a woman kind of singing (I wouldn't call it singing, as she's not saying actual words, but rather humming or... something).

Anyway, I'm looking for the name to THAT song (if it's even a song), because I have no clue where to begin finding it. Can anyone please direct me to the source of this song?

I will greatly appreciate anyone who can help me.

P.S. I am NOT looking for an Anastasia song. I'm looking for a song in the commercial BEFORE the movie begins. Think it's after the Shirley Temple commercial...?

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