Okay, I've battled anorexia for going on 6 years now. (I'm 18)
I haven't really had much of a problem with it, besides the health problems that stemmed from it, since I was about 14.
However, I've just started noticing that I'll go between 4 and 6 days without eating anything and sometimes not drink anything. But It's not because I'm trying to starve myself. It's because I'm simply not hungry.
On the days that I do happen to eat, I'm lucky if I eat 500 calories worth of food. Is this something I should be worried about or is it just because my body doesn't want food right now?
If it is something I should be worried about then could you give me some clues as to how to fix it. I will not eat if I'm not hungry, that has been drilled into me since I was little. And I am still afraid to gain weight (my entire family is obese and I was clinicly diagnosed with body dysmorphia), however, I only weigh 124 at 5'4" and I'm not losing weight due to the lack of food.
What do you think?
Update:Yes, I was hospitalized (mental hospital) for anorexia and I'm aware of never being fully recovered. Hence why I'm alittle worried. I figure I'm not losing weight because my metabolism is so slow. That happens when you stop eating. I also have low blood pressure, heart palpitations, and I'm almost anemic due to it.
Nobody put me on an eating schedule because I'm too busy throughout the day to stick to one. I've been diagnosed with OCD and part of that is the fact that I throw myself into something and don't stop until it's done.
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You can not be going that long without eating or drinking. You CAN decide to eat something even when you are not hungry. It doesn't matter what has been drilled into you since you were young, YOU have the ability to change. Going without drinking anything for that long is very bad and might be part of the reason you are not hungry. If NOTHING is in your stomach, it shrinks and a lack of fluids could cause a mild nausea. (which will also make you feel not hungry)
As for you not loosing weight, I would get to a doctor to find out why not. It's not that you want to loose weight but it is normal for someone to loose if they don't eat for 4-6 days at a time. Since you are NOT loosing, a medical condition may also be responsible for your lack of appetite as well.
EDIT: Ok, since your brain is not telling you that you are hungry... you can not rely on it. You MUST rely on a schedule. Schedule 6 small meals a day and stick to it. (And I mean small to begin with) Your metabolism must be very slow from not eating. Did you ever have professional help for the anorexia? They should have put you on an eating schedule. The 6 small meals are to speed up your metabolism. This is important so you can eat enough to give you the nutrients you need to survive. It will also help to get your brain used to telling you when you are hungry again. you CAN eat when you are not hungry.... but it's hard. It is the only way to beat this thing and only YOU have to be willing to do it to make it work.
I am not sure why, but the word "Can't" seems to be wired into an anorexics head. There are LOTS of things my daughter has been able to do that she previously said "I Can't'. You need to start telling yourself "I MUST"
EDIT: Ok, I have OCD as well and some of the SSRI medications can help with it. Also, just because one doesn't work, doesn't mean they all won't work. Each one works a little different. The health problems your are experiencing is because your metabolism has slowed down and you are not able to eat enough nutrients to keep your body healthy. It CAN be sped up. You can also use your OCD to your advantage. Set your mind on making yourself better. Make that your obsession.
I am not sure which hospital you went to but I KNOW there are a lot of them out there that just plain suck at helping with anorexia. Especially the ones that take care of other mental health concerns. They tend to not use a whole approach. They focus on the mental part of it but there is a huge physical part that also needs to be addressed as well.
If you are truly concerned about this new pattern, you have to nip it in the butt now. You need to start speeding up your metabolism by eating 6 small meals even if you don't feel like it. If this seems to large, start with one a day and when you have that mastered... add a meal until you are up to 6. Do not let yourself go even one day without eating because you are setting yourself up to go back into the mental pattern of anorexia. It seems the physical is the part that starts it and then it's like a switch flips in the brain and suddenly the anorexic is not rational anymore. You seem to be somewhat rational at the moment but if you let yourself slip like you have been, the switch will be turned back on and you will go back to a very dark place.
Lack of nutrition can cause all sorts of health problems and I am sure you are aware of most of them. A weakened immune system is one of them which leads to all sorts of other bad things. I realize that you have a slow metabolism but it seems yours is even slower than most anorexics. With as busy as you say you are and as little as you are eating, you should be losing something and if you are not, I would be VERY worried about a possible medical condition. Go to your doctor to at least rule out any other medical issues.
I hope that you are at least well enough to follow the "eat once a day" suggestion because you are headed down a really bad road. You can come back from it but you have to stop it NOW. The longer you let it take control of you, the harder it is to return.
wellit sounds to me that your type healthy if your actually 5 4 weightin 124; but i dont understand how you dont eat for soo long; you cant be doing that;
Your weight and height sound normal,
but you not eating doesn't really...
if you eat something and it makes you want to barf
that means you are suffering effects from anerxica,
witch could take a long time to recover from.
i think u should ask a professional or someone like a doctor this could b SERIOUS!