I believe I am going to be served in Florida a motion to appear in TX as the primary witness in a criminal case. I was assaulted by a cop there, IA did nothing about it. The DAs office messed with my reimbursement of many things already, then half ashed fixed my reimbursements for stuff. Too, DAs office is majorly disorganized and I can not trust them to insure my safety in TX and to get me housing, food, etc. while I am there, as they are supposed to, considering their history with me. They recently messed more stuff of mine up. Stuff that is my right to receive. I have proof of all this haphazardness with the DAs office, too proof that IA is refusing to give me the names of the officers involved, or their titles, or the outcome, as their website says they are to in situations such as mine.
I offered to let the DA let me testify in my safe and responsible town via remote telecast to the trial inTX to insure my safety and that my basic needs are taken care of, but I doubt they are going to do that. Too, this is an attempted murder trial that they don't want to plead out the defendant on.
I can not find any Florida statutes or case law to support my position when I file a motion to quash their subpoena here in my state of FL. Anyone's help on finding case law and statutes would be great. I can't afford an attorney, and certainly do not want to put my well being and safety in the hands of majorly disorganized DAs office inTX, nor be put in a town that allows corrupt cops to run free and Unidentified.
The office wanting me to testify is the Harris County DAs office in Houston, TX and I live in southwest Florida now.
Any suggestions?
Update:TX is NOT a hop skip and jump away from FL -- it's an over 19 hour drive from me.
I am not looking to do society a favor -- I'm looking to provide myself with personal safety!
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Man, that's just a hop & a skip away.
Do your duty as an American.