I am trying to find out more information on a logistics MOS in the Army. Specifically Medical Logistics (68J), Automated Logistics (92A), and Unit Supply (92Y). Unfortunately I have not found a whole lot of information about the MOS. What kind of work would I be doing? How enjoyable is it? What kind of things will be tought in AIT? How often are they deployed? and any other kind of information you may have. There are several MOS's in the Army I would like to try for, but this is the only one I don't know much about.
Also just a general question about Army AIT. I am prior service USAF, and they had a phase program that offered you more freedom the longer you were there. Is there something like that in the Army?
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last question first. At Fort Sam there is a phase program. 68J train at Fort Sam. 100% better than Ft Lee. You will be prior service so you will get treated a little better from the start. There are no drill sergeants at Ft Sam anymore. I think Ft Lee is the same but can't garentee it. AS for the job. Med log is a great job. I know quite a few of them. Good people. 92A and Y are supply. They can be very good to very bad. The person who replyed sounds like one of the bad one. They have all the good stuff and hook each other up but very rarely do so for the soldiers they are supposed to supply. They network and only work on hooking each other up. If you do go 92 series you need to get hooked in with the upward moving crowd.
Army logistics: the art and science of troop and/or supply movement. You have the battle plans. You have the troops. You have the supplies. And, you understand the conditions. But when to move whom and where? Now, there is where art and science comes in. To do this job right, you need someone with strong administrative and coordination skills. You also need someone who is cool under fire and can easily adjust to change. Job prosepcts upon leaving are great! A natural transition is the civilian logistics field. Instead of moving troops and/or supplies, you are moving freight around the globe (manually or electronically). One hot field is helping employees with global transfers. When a company moves an employee from country A to country B (especially senior level employees), said company may hire a service that helps the executive with moving and transitioning to a new place. Supply Chain solutions experts. LeanSigma engineers. Others who can help with providing quicker and more effiecient solutions to....... Or, simply follow your dreams and go after whatever you like. The sky is the limit!
u don't want to do medical. I was 92Y. Supply is the best job in the army. Everybody will b ur friend n respect u. You will have everything they want. It doesn't matter what MOS u have. U all get pay the same. the only diff is rank and time.
Enlist for 68J - The best logistics MOS!