I've been practicing astral projection for about 2 months now but always end up either giving up or when I feel something happen like I get deeper in the trance/ numbing phase I do something to lessen the feeling and then my thoughts go crazy. I'm not sure why this happens... Also, my heart beat annoys me. It beats a lot even though I try not to have it happen. I breath and stuff but nothing seems to work. I've had only two experiences: Teleported to my wall after hearing a buzzing sound. And two, Teleporting to my hallway but waking up shortly after. What am I doing wrong? I really want to experience it... And all these visual things I apparently need to see? All I see is blackness... And I find it hard to not think and imagine something at the same time. Please help...
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Answers & Comments
Essentially from what I discovered AP is just a form of lucid dreaming. I believe AP is when you go from wakefulness to lucid dream straight away. I never got to that but what I found was I was having crazy OBE dreams in the morning.
I recommend going to bed an hour earlier to try and get more sleep. You will wake up a bit earlier than normal. The thing to make it work is to do something for 15 minutes. Maybe read a book on OBE's or AP. That way your conscious part of you will be more awake. When you go back to sleep there's a high chance you will have some sort of conscious dream. If you have been thinking about AP then you might have a OBE experience dream.
BTW that religious stuff about demons and OBEs is not true, its all subjective.
The best way I can help you is to advise that you only relax and not try to do it anymore. You need to be aware of some dangers of astral projection. Astral projection is usually only made possible by some level of demonic power. They are the ones who link the spirit and soul to make astral projection possible. In a sense when you leave your body to astral project it is like leaving your home with the door open…. Bad spirits can come in.
Many who have astral projected talk about encounters with demons! Go to any astral projection discussion forum and you will find that they often say that the practice is very dangerous and that there are evil spirits out there.
Many who have astral projected have described a thin silver cord attaching their spirit to their body. If this cord is ever severed, the person will die. This fits what the book of Ecclesiastes says in chapter 12:
Remember him—before the silver cord is severed,
and the golden bowl is broken;
before the pitcher is shattered at the spring,
and the wheel broken at the well,
7 and the dust returns to the ground it came from,
and the spirit returns to God who gave it.
So if one was to astral project and travel too far or long there is a chance that silver cord could break. I have heard of some people who practiced astral projection and died from it.
Also astral projection is a big spiritual activity which wears down the body. Those who practice it often age faster with drained energy.
There is a real spirit world out there. Spirits, demons, angels, God, Satan, Jesus, Souls, Spirits, Hell, Heaven, strongmen, anointing, possession etc.. are all real. It’s good that you are aware of this but you need to encounter the light first as you explore spiritual things. Watch these videos and they can open your eyes to new aspects of the spiritual war around us, and how you can be a part on the right path.
Astral Projection Horrifying Truth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrlfPSNKy9M
Journey to Astral Projection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=relfJtERkpg
Seeing into Spirit Realm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3t0ei52mERY
Mel Bond Discerning Spirits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0d2fVm4WYo
Bill Wiese 23 Minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHTU9oe9s7k
Gary Wood Death experience https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oablj1SwBnE
You need to relax. It takes several times and tons of practice to achieve. The first few times it actually happens you're likely not going to remember it.
I've only done it 2-3 x - and it was never a forced thing. It just happened. I strongly suggest you just relax and don't try to do it. If it happens, it happens.
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