When applying for an auto loan online they require i fax my most recent paycheck stub to them, i was just curious do they call my job to verify my income?? or do they verify all the tax difference?? or do they just want to see proof of my income?? can someone help please.
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They want to validate income and employment. They might call your employer, but most won't go through that much effort.
A current pay stub is used to verify employment and income.
Auto finance is what I do for a living and believe me they will call and verify that you still work where you said you work and the amount you earn per month.
Everything you put on your application must check out to be true. Where you work, where you live, how much you make etc.
Many lendors call your employment to verify employment, years worked, current salary. If they call they may ask for this information. I know for a fact this is done for home loans. Auto loans it depends on the clender you go through they may or may not require paticular information from your employer.
the pay stub will prove income, but they may call and verify how long you've worked there.
I recommend you to check this site that can solve your doubts http://www.finance-solutions.info/
I would imagin that they are just verifying your income.
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This is to get written confirmation of employment and income.
Normally lenders don't call employers for info