May 2021 9 44 Report
AWO episode 8 preview?

Mr. Pr3z!d3nt:"last week, i got screwed out of the tag team titles. suicide distracted me, claiming that i was the weak link. But i talked to HBK512, and even though mr. lolz and rated r 4 rey are the #1 contenders for the tag team titles, hbk512 said that if i find a tag team partner, i can have a title shot. so tonight, suicide, you will be in a steel cage match vs. my partner."

Match #1: ellie vs. chelsea

match #2 #1 contenders match for television title: Christian's #1 peep vs. Flame warrior vs. kyle vs. trevon vs. jeff hardy fan 4 life vs. twilight vs. phantom freak vs. saif the killer vs. Canada joe vs. zachary steele vs. alex dman

Lazyboy: "Last week, i suffered my first lose since coming to AWO. that was the first and last time i will lose. to prove it, i will destroy the new international champion poncho tonight"

Match #3: Lazyboy vs. poncho

Match #4 tournament: King james vs. elite

Match #5: phenominal malik hardy vs. eric havoc

joseph stryder:" i know i haven't been on AWO in a few weeks, but that's because there's no more competition. i can beat anyone and everyone because i am the one and only, joseph....... stryder!

match #6: Joseph Stryder vs. the bio hazard

Match #7 tournament: Warrior V1 vs. Stardom

suicide, without further ado, let me introduce my partner for judgment day, MRRRRRRRRRRRRR. EEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Match #8 steel cage: Suicide vs. mr. e

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