I am in a divorce with my very manipulative and vindictive husband. I say this because he attempts to make himself look innocent and like a victim. Truth is - he is a monster for various reasons but my question today pertains to his consistent porn watching. It is one of the reasons I am divorcing him. I have repeatedly told him it bothers me and I dont want him to watch it and he promised he would stop and then I find more pictures and videos. To each their own but its not ok for me and I feel like his inability to stop is a bit concerning. He gives me a million reasons why it is 'not an addiction' or why he did it but I am not buying it. He says that because he is still able to go to work, its not an addiction. Sorry but there are varying stages of addiction....Anyway - my biggest concern is that alot of these videos are 'barely legal'. So I know they are technically legal but its very skewed towards younger/virginal woman. He is trying to get 50/50+ custody of our very young daughter and I am honestly concerned about this and his porn watching behavior and taste. I have copies and proof of his lies and porn behavior - does this have any implication?
Before people give the answer 'ask your attorney' - I will but am on here getting any other insight. We live in NJ.
Thank you.
Update:Our daughter is an infant.
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Answers & Comments
it does sound like he has an addiction. the question is how that addiction will affect his ability to parent a child. Now, you mentioned him being partial to the "barely legal" category of porn. This may seem like a horrible thing but in reality, that category is by far and large the most popular category for porn in the industry. Not saying i agree with it, it just is. So the fact he likes this type of porn will not hold as much weight in court as you would expect. If that is the only thing you have to hold against him, then you will have a very difficult time convincing any nonpartial judge that he doesnt deserve his parental rights.
but then again, when it comes down to it, the biggest factor is the quality of the attorney you pick versus the quality of the attorney he picks. They make all the difference.
Just because someone likes "barely legal" porn does not mean they're a pedophile who will molest their own children. No judge is going to take into consideration this mild porn taste when deciding custody. Therefore, if you bring it up in court, you're just going to look petty and prude.
I can't comment on whether it's an addiction or not based on what you said. You just said "he watches porn and it's an addiction", without saying how many hours a day he watches it, or if it even negatively affects his life.
You just sound like you're very sheletered and take ANY porn watching as perverted. So he has certain tastes. I'm willing to bet you do things that I would think are weird, but I wouldn't judge you for it.
Do you have any EVIDENCE besides his porn taste that would demonstrate he's an unfit father? Doesn't sound like it.
What happened is, he found porn more exciting than you and now you're bitter because you couldn't keep him interested. Get over it.
Why should it concern you that he watches porn? (Except for the kids of course.) Who cares if it's barely legal? You're not there watching it with him.
Let him get busted with it (if illegal) and go to jail. *THEN* you have a valid argument. Until then, you're the one that sounds like the one with the problem.
edit....comments aren't working for me.
I wouldn't worry so much about this since your daughter is an infant. When they hit school age, it's more of a concern, and he may mature by then. I knew someone years ago who was into slasher movies. Let his very young son watch. Mom was horrified. Kid starting drawing pics from movies.
School gets involved. Discovered very early dad let kid watch slasher movies. DAD had to go to the school, got talked to, threatened in court, etc. Dad no longer allowed kid to watch slasher movies. My point is mom let it play out (even tho it drove her nuts) and it worked out in the end.
What exactly is your concern? That he will molest his daughter because he watches porn?
Unless you have any proof that ties porn to molestation or rape, or that he is exposing his child to porn, I think you're over reacting. I enjoy watching porn on my computer, but I don't expose my kids to it. And I have never had any desire to rape or molest anyone.
So unless you have anything to show this is a danger to his child, it's going to be your word against his. And I'm sure there are vices you have that he could throw into the ring too.
Be prepared to spend a lot of money on your attorney in most states the mother ends up with full custody with visitation for the father. I would be surprised if NJ is any different, of course that is a democrat state so if he can prove he is gay he may get full custody.
That's typical of an addict, when you catch them out in their lies, YOU are the bad guy.
I wouldn't imagine your ex will have much luck, especially as experts will be able to track his internet use easily enough.
You can require he and the children under go psychological testing, which can be used in court.
Pornography is legal.