I'm in a relationship (not married-will be one day) and we have a child. I am a Christian and try my best to serve the Lord everyday. My boyfriend and I are not married, but are planning on it, and we are planning a life together. We will get married one day, but right now with jobs/money etc aren't able to right now. I know the Bible talks about sexual immorality and non-marital sex isn't good because God intends sex to be a union between two people only. God just doesn't want us to just have sex with anyone, it's supposed to be sacred. Now is it wrong that we have sex, although we are planning a life together and will be married one day but aren't yet? We aren't being immoral and doing it with other people, and are commited only to each other...
Update:and i did not feel guilty/convicted of it until people started telling me i was wrong - even though all those people did the same thing.
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How can you not be able to get married? You may not have the wedding of your dreams, but you could still get married. Sex outside of marriage is sinful. You seem to know that. How then do you come to the conclusion that you aren't being immoral? You cannot pick and choose which sins are sins. God alone makes that determination. It appears that you should stop planning to do the right thing and do it.
If you have joined yourself in a physical union with someone, you have already married with them. The wedding vows and certificate is just a formality and legal paperwork at this point.
I'm not clear on the question here... is it considered wrong or sexually immoral?
If you were promiscuous and have no intentions of committing to one another, then yes... it would be fornication. In the eyes of the religiously self righteous, you would probably be consider in sin as well.
What is important is what is in your heart and what His Spirit is telling you.
Either way, resolve the whole issue by making the public declaration and get on with the ceremony. If money/jobs is not an issue now in your relationship, don't let it be an excuse... it could even be considered a flag on the play at this point. Big weddings are nice, but you went around that... you are both already raising a family.
I think that in God's eyes you are already married because you have made a commitment to each other.
The Bible says that when a man joins a harlot (has sex) then they are no more two but one. It is not the ceremony that is binding but the sex.
I think God wants a ceremony just to make the point clear to the couple that they are now bound together. Without the ceremony people may not take their responsibility as serious (although now a days many people do not take marriage serious).
It will be good to have the ceremony as soon as possible.
God be with you both!
Look honey- a wedding is NOT a marriage.. "no money" or whatever is a HUGE HUGE excuse. The boy doesn't actually love you or he would be shouting it from the rooftops- I love you and you should be mine, marry me!
What a crock. You are playing married without the public promise on his part.
Are you living at home? Is he? Both out of school? Just go to the courthouse and get married. No excuses.
If you both are in school still, grow up, stop making things worse. You are acting immature- making your parents burdened with your foolish selfish nonsense! They really don't want to raise your child- it's YOURS.
Grow up. Stop playing with fire. Either marry or move on from this guy. Don't fool yourself. A man in love won't sting you along. If he is making excuses, he's a loser and doesn't love you. (if you both are out of school- HIGH School, that is)
My husband and I had sex before we were married and struggled over this exact same question.
What you have to remember is that guilt is never a good sign. If you are feeling guilty about something chances are that you are in the wrong. Even though you are committed to each other it is still premarital sex.
However, what is most important to remember is that even though you are having premarital sex you are no lesser in God's eyes.
To be a Christian you do not have to be sinless.
My husband and I ended up discontinuing our sexual relationship two months before getting married. It was difficult but in the end we were both glad we made that choice.
It's up to you both whether or not you want to continue having sex. Just remember that no matter what path you take God still loves you and really everything is okay. :)
Well, if all the "single moms" (we used to call them "unwed mothers") went to hell and all the unmarried non-virgins went to hell, heaven would be a very empty place. So don't worry about it. See earlier answer. God does not get concerned about your bedroom. He's too busy preventing starvation and AIDS in Africa, saving earthquake victims in Haiti, and bringing peace to the Middle East. (Oops, maybe he IS sticking his nose in your bedroom, he does not seem to be doing much of anything else after all!). I would worry more about your fellow "loving, non-judgmental" christians minding your business. They seem to like to do that.
Do not waste energy on guilt. What's done is done, you cannot undo it. Guilt is simply a poison that occupies rent-free space in your mind.
Marriage Licenses are cheap. Justices of the Peace do not charge a fee, or it is a reasonable one.
So money is not really an issue unless you make it one. The bible also tells you to not eat shellfish, not to wear clothing of mixed fabrics, and to stone your children if they do not obey you. When was the last time you worried about the fact that you probably break these laws all the time?
Save a life, donate blood!
Blessings on your journey!
yes its wrong to live together and have sex
its called fornication in the bible
because god says sex is for two married people only
its immoral to do it out side of marriage
Main Entry: for·ni·ca·tion
Pronunciation: \ˌfȯr-nə-ˈkā-shən\
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
: consensual sexual intercourse between two persons not married to each other
Col 3:4 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.
Col 3:5 Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry:
Col 3:6 For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience:
Eph 5:3 But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints;
1Co 7:2 Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.
how can you afford to have a kid together,but,think you can't afford to be married?
this is what the bible says..your call
Leviticus 21:14.…He must never marry a widow, a divorced woman, a woman who has lost her virginity, or a prostitute. He may only marry a virgin from his own people
You already are married having sex makes you married.
you keep saying WE and then you talk about God.
have you asked God if this is the person you are to marry or are you letting your sex life with him rule you?
I don't want you to take this wrong, but I have seen this too often and I did it myself. After a bad marriage to the wrong guy, whom I was in love with, God told me who I should marry and it is a true relationship that is 19+ years strong.
talk to God and if God wants you with this man, you are already married to him in Gods eyes---"those who God joins together, let no man put asunder" not who the preacher puts together in a ceremony...
email me if you need a further explanation...