I have a 5.2 mp camera that was working fine. Now when I power it on, the screen starts to light up, makes a couple of noises and powers back down again, I've changed batteries several times, so I don't think it's that, I did put a memory stick in that actually fit but the card was too long and the battery door wouldn't shut, If you can help me fix this, I will start taking it apart. Thanks so much!!
Update:Poloroid i533
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Many cameras have a sensor that shuts the camera down when the memery card door is open. Take the card out close the door and try powering it up. If you have the same reults then you may want to get a new camera as the price to repair it is about the same usually. If you say what the heck, I'm gonna buy one anyways, lets pull it apart, make far darn sure that you dont introduce water or dust into your camera. In fact about the only thing you can do is take the casing off and let it dry out for a while. Moisture is pretty bad on digital stuff especially cameras.