My Father rang my Doctor (who he does not even know by sight and is not a even family friend) and the Doctor supplied him with full information about my case and the medication i use. Is this legal? If not how do i go about starting off a complaints procedure? Thankyou and please link. Cheers, Paul
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No, Doctor cannot do that - its part of the HIPAA Act. its a federal law. I believe you can complain to the department of Health and Human services, and also the the equivalent state agency in your home state.
If you are in the Uk then look here
Most GP practices will have information and may have a web site - this should also include details of how to make a compliant - if they do not have a web site then ask at the practice about thier complaints proceedure.
I agree this is appaling - one wonders what steps the Gp took to even verify that the caller was your father -- but that is another matter.
You can also consider moveing to another practice - easy done - just look at the phonebook for other surgeries near you.
After 18 I believe all future medical treatment is confidential. The physican is suppose to get your permission to discuss your case with anyone. While you are right on that issue, in your shoes i wouldn't push the issue. Ethically, the doctor could have already contacted the authorities.
if you are a minor the doctor can inform your father. if you are a major he has to get your permission. doctor can break the confidentiality when asked by the judiciary, in the event of saving a life and certain clauses as held by medical ehtics
Anything broken means it was not done properly so patient confidentiality is breached. Start with the hospital's Patient Liaison.
as far as i know he can bu he has to have a realy good reason to but i aint to sure on how to set up a complaints procedure sorry i couldnt help on that bit
I don't believe its legal. You should be able to complain to the BMA or the AMA or some equivalent.
If your under 16 and in the uk then yes, the doctor can tell your parents. If he tells anyone apart from your parents then yes it is illegal.
You do not give your age , but If you are a minor then maybe he was within his rights
Oh don't be a dweeb.