My doctor asked me for doing a Pelvic Transabdominal and endovaginal sonogram for checking if I do have a cyst. He didn't feel anything touching. I've had problems with my bowel movements and I thought it was because of antibiotics. Now it is working, but it's still a little painful before, during and after the bowl movements. I'm going to a general doctor to do a check up and see if it's just a bowel problem or something else other than gynecologic . My gynecologist said to do the sonogram right after my next period. I was wondering if I do the Pelvic Transabdominal and endovaginal sonogram, is it possible to find out if I have endometriosis? I've felt something contracting inside when I'm urinating (not cistitis pain) and/or have bowel movements. Now that I'm not constipated anymore it hurts much less, but I'm still bloated and have some cramps eventually, even if I don't eat too much.
I'm 27 years old and I stopped my birth control in October, and after that I started to have lots of pain that goes and back.
Also, if is something with my intestines, this type of sonogram can find too?
Update:And sometimes I feel something even when I'm sitting or walking. It's is not pain, it's something, that sometimes can be a sharp pain.
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It sounds like you could very well have endometriosis based on your symptoms. However, you cannot know for sure until you have a laparoscopy done, which is the only way to determine for sure whether you have endometriosis or not as no ultrasound, CT scan, MRI or other test can diagnose endometriosis.
I was suffering similar symptoms to the one's you are describing, although I experienced the symptoms throughout my entire cycle and when my periods came on, they were so intense and painful that I could hardly get out of bed. I had really heavy bleeding and also feel pain that feels like someone is stabbing me with a knife around my ovaries. I also experienced pain with intercourse, pain with urination, pain with bowel movements, had lower back pain and fatigue.
I had many tests done, which included ultrasounds, CT-scan, blood tests, swabs, papsmears, X-rays etc, for months (almost a year) and all of those tests came back "normal" and didn't show anything. I was finally diagnosed with endometriosis last year October by having a laparoscopy done and my gyn burned off all the endo implants and removed a small endometrioma (blood) cyst.
If you do in fact have endo then your best medicine is research. You have to be well informed and be proactive in your treatment process. I have done a lot of research over the past year and a half (even before I was diagnosed) and have talked to many women who were told they "may" have endo or that they do have endo.
Until you have the laparoscopy done and your gyno says for sure that you do have endo, don't get too concerned yet and don't drive yourself crazy worrying about it. You could have another gynaecological problem all together. Something that is far more treatable like an ovarian cyst as ovarian cysts can sometimes be missed even with ultrasound, especially if a sonography technician is not experienced enough to know about ovarian cysts and sometimes ovarian cysts can’t be seen on ultrasound due to their location behind the ovary for example. You could also have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), which I also have and which can cause very similar symptoms and pelvic pain to that of the endo. They often are found to go hand in hand.
There is no cure for endo and the only major medical treatments treat the symptoms itself not the disease. In other words pain management through drugs etc or surgery to burn/excise the endo implants. For IBS there are many treatments available as well such as changing your diet or your doctor could prescribe some medicine for it, which is what my doctor did for me. I was on 4 different brands of the birth control pill for about a year and 3 months before, during and after my endo diagnosis, however I stopped taking the pill in the beginning of September this year as I also have migraines and were experiencing too many migraines, which my doctor thought was caused by the pill and so I stopped. Ever since then, my periods have become much more painful and unbearable again, although I'm only having the severe pelvic pain and symptoms during my period and not throughout the entire month.
The first thing I would recommend you do is to consult with your doctor/gyn about your options to have the laparoscopy or to find a gynaecologist/specialist that knows a lot about and has a lot of experience with diagnosing and treating women with endometriosis. You may want to make a list of questions you have that you can discuss with him/her when you see them (have a look for some example questions at the following site:
Underneath is a link to some websites where you can find some great information:
If you have any further questions you can email me direct, the link to my email is in my profile.
Good luck. :)
I was 30 when I was first diagnosed with endometriosis, after the unbelievable heavy bleeding during the periods. I had my first diagnostic surgery in 1998 and they also removed some of the lesions and the cysts on that occasion. From that point on it was a crazy dance with my life revolving around my disease and the days of my life going by me as if I was just a spectator. I was on Lupron that offered some help but destroyed me financially.
My parents were basically living on the verge of poverty just so that they can help me pay for my Lupron. I had a partial hysterectomy in 2005 and I was a bit better for approximately a year. And after endometriosis and pain returned in 2006, I remember that I just gave up any hope that I will lead a normal life ever again.
I was never able to maintain a healthy relationship and I gave up on that, too. I found out about this eBook ( ) on the internet and the few clicks changed everything. I could not believe that I have been suffering needlessly for so long. I will not be able to have children because my fallopian tubes and ovaries are removed, but I am just thankful that I am again able to lead a healthy full life...
Endovaginal Sonogram
You really need to read "Endometriosis Bible & Violet Protocol" by Zoe Brown (also available in electronic format here: ). It's about how to eradicate endometriosis disease forever. It worked for me, you will see results in only a matter of weeks. Good Luck!
this is yahoo answers...not a doctor. lol i hope things get better for you though.