Yes. They definitely *can* Read your paperwork to see what legal rights you gave them, also, if you're worried about stuff burn it to cds/dvds or an external hard drive and delete the files, and don't keep *ahem* How shall I put this? Private images and or movies on your laptop *cough* *cough*
Answers & Comments
Yes. They definitely *can* Read your paperwork to see what legal rights you gave them, also, if you're worried about stuff burn it to cds/dvds or an external hard drive and delete the files, and don't keep *ahem* How shall I put this? Private images and or movies on your laptop *cough* *cough*
Dont see why not, they would need your assistance though.
You would have to Run/Allow some program like LogMeIn Or TeamViewer Ect.
Then Show them what ever it it you wish to show them.
Hope it helps :)