I just moved into my condo and my a/c runs great, but every now and then it causes a power outage in the living room and kitchen. I reset the circuit and everything comes back on. Is there something wrong with the a/c unit or the electricity? I have also noticed that every time this has happened, the TV has been on. Is it possible that there is an overload on those outlets? We're talking about not just the TV, but cable box, internet modem, phone modem and my son's XBox all connected in the same area.
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You should have it checked: as another said, your compressor is likely 220 volts (do you have an electric stove, water heater or clothes dryer on the same 220v circuit?). But the blower motor is 110 volt and may be on an overloaded circuit with other regular circuits in the house.
ACs use a lot of juice running - - - and an extra heavy load when they start-up. When the lights really dim when your AC comes on, the tv flutters or such - - - it's often a sign that the starting capacitors and/or the compressor are wearing-out and getting ready to go. With the hot weather we're having this summer, some electric utilities are also overloaded and not maintaining as high a voltage as usual. #1 - you don't want to overheat the wiring - have an electrician take a look at your box to see if the number of circuits is adequate, not too much load on any one, etc. #2 after that, have the HVAC guy check your AC - make he probably can't extend it's life significantly but can check to make sure it has a good refrigerant charge etc.
Your central a/c runs on a 220 volt dedicated circuit and is NOT tied in with your TV, so that is not why it is tripping. If so, the unit would trip as well but only the TV circuit goes. There are too many devices hooked into that circuit which is why it trips now and then. That happens as a safety item before a fire can happen. The other possible reason is you might have a loose wire in the outlet, or the breaker itself might be bad. This is something you will ultimately have a licensed electrician check out, but in the meantime unplug some of those things one at a time to see if that helps and only plug in the things you need when you need them. Another suggestion is to use a multiple plug load center that has a resettable circuit breaker right at it, so if it trips there you know it is confined to those items, not the breaker or the circuit in general. You see them in Home Depot and usually have at least 6 outlets and have a 6' cord that plugs in the wall, then the devices plug into the load center. They also provide you with lightning surge protection in better load centers.
Yes, it sounds like you are overloading the circuit. The a/c draws a lot of power, particularly as it cycles on. The TV (assuming you have a large-screen) also draws a lot of power. The cable box, modems, and XBoxs draw less, but it all adds up. You may want to change where items are plugged in, to better distribute the load. If that doesn't help, you may need to call in an electrician (although that will cost you some money).
You're overloading the circuits which cause the breaker to pop. That or the wiring is faulty.
In the circuit breaker control box, they hook up breaker for each room or system of rooms separately
The AC has its own breaker.
so if the AC breaker did not trip. then it is not from the AC unit.
find out wich breaker for which room. then pull extension cord from different circuit breaker to distribute your usage of power,
You are absolutlely right you may have a bad breaker in your panel box or due to load the other items being on and may need to upgrade the main breakers. either way call an electrician.