ok well, last night i was smoking a cigarette with my friend like always accept lately i havent been taking too well to the ciggs and i may be at rick of being pregnant.... :) and i know that its very irresponsible to be doing such a thing once you think you may be expecting and ****, but the point here is that i started getting a real bad stuchache and i had to run upstairs to the restroom because i had an insane urge to want to throw up and ****... hahaha i thought just had the urge to throw up, but when i was walking away from the toylet, i had to make a dash back since i had to throw up.... never before had this happened to me... and this happened like around 11 p.m. yesterday....
could it mean that i may be expecting??...
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Answers & Comments
It could be. Strong smells, like cigarette smoke, can definitely irritate morning sickness. If you're experiencing morning sickness already, then odds are, you can probably take a pregnancy test and expect pretty good accuracy. I would test now and see. If it comes back negative, wait another five days and test again.
Good luck!
During the seventies, something like 40-50% of pregnant women smoked during pregnancy. So, I doubt it was a cause of nausea. My suggestion, however, is to stop smoking now. You'll be healthier for it and can find far more suitable uses for the $$ you spend on cigarettes.
Cigerette smoking is bad for health. It can cause intra uterine foetal growth retardation and congenital deformity if you continue to do so with your smoking. Please for God's sake choose between your baby and your pleasure. Please don't let the innocent soul to suffer. Bundlle up your few minutes pleasure, till the child birth. After that, if you want, go ahead do what you want to your body. If you think, you can't get rid off your smoking pleasure, please take precaution, and prevent conception.
Now, back to your symptoms, it looks your symptoms are of pregnancy. Please do the pregnancy test. If positive, ask your doctor for advice.
Again, please think of the tiny life inside the uterus and be away from the smoking. Please be serious, if you want a child.
God Bless the tiny soul