The Ultra-liberal democrat faction of America haters is only a super-majority in the Senate and one Supreme Court Justice away from doing anything they want. Obviously, any usurpation of individual rights is only a matter of definition when you believe the Constitution and Bill of Rights are living, breathing documents.
Many people, right now, believe the second amendment states: only a militia should be allowed to keep and bear arms.
NO amendment of the constitution is done by vote of the States a 2/3 majority is required past that no they cannot use the commerce clause to ban weapons outright.
no, not legally. but they get surrounded by legel terms such as treaties, united nations other illegal laws.
in my opinion, the federal government is the greatest enemy against american citizens.
the constitution was meant to be the highest law of the land. and the second ammenment plainly says congress shall make no laws that infringe the right to bear arms.
Answers & Comments
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They can ban firearms completely but not by a single action.
First they would have to amend the Constitution.
Then they would need to hold a vote to pass the complete ban.
It is extremely unlikely that any of this would happen.
It is probably more likely that you would be hit by lightning than
that Congress would ban firearms completely.
The Ultra-liberal democrat faction of America haters is only a super-majority in the Senate and one Supreme Court Justice away from doing anything they want. Obviously, any usurpation of individual rights is only a matter of definition when you believe the Constitution and Bill of Rights are living, breathing documents.
Many people, right now, believe the second amendment states: only a militia should be allowed to keep and bear arms.
NO amendment of the constitution is done by vote of the States a 2/3 majority is required past that no they cannot use the commerce clause to ban weapons outright.
Yes, by forming a constitutional congress and 2nd amending of the constitution.
Amending the United States Constitution is governed by Article V.
no, not legally. but they get surrounded by legel terms such as treaties, united nations other illegal laws.
in my opinion, the federal government is the greatest enemy against american citizens.
the constitution was meant to be the highest law of the land. and the second ammenment plainly says congress shall make no laws that infringe the right to bear arms.
There would have to be a repeal of the 2nd amendment. Revolution would come
long before that could ever take place.
Not sure. I think not. I think the supreme court would have to twist the law some how to support it.
I honestly dont think they could. It would, WITHOUT QUESTION, cause a civil war.
They need to rely on being reelected to office, which would be unlikely if they try a stunt like that.
people will cry out th the Constitution
It would be stupid if they did. THE GANGSTERS ARE NOT GOING TO TURN THEIR GUNS IN. They own then illegally anyway!