you caused harm to their patient? HERE'S THE STORY: cousin pissed me off, so I kinda pushed him and then he accidentally hit his head on a wooden chair kinda hard. he's going to the doctor tomorrow. his parents said they are going to tell what happened. soooo....wouldn't the doctor alert authority or something? I'm 17, and my cousin is 8...
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That is a possibility you shouldnt have pushed an 8 year old you dumb f*ck
Well, first of all, you're 17. Assuming you live in the US, you are not technically an adult. And even if the doctor or someone else were to press charges and you turned 18, you'd still be charged as a minor. That all just depends on the severity of the child's bruise or injury. Like did he bleed? Did he have symptoms of a concussion? It also depends on if it was horsing around or if it was malicious. Sometimes you can tell from the severity of the injury. It'll also depend on how your 8 year old cousin tells the story.
Most likely, the doctor will not press charges. Especially knowing you're a minor. The worst charges that can be given to a minor for something of this nature (unless it was very severe and malicious) are minor. If you were 18, perhaps it'd be another story. I do not mean to sound sexist either. But given your name I'm assuming you're a girl. Society tends to come down harder on a male doing this because they assume the hit or push was harder (even though that is not necessarily true). Doctors would probably also be more likely to press charges if your cousin were a girl. Boys are expected to get ''roughed up'' so they don't turn out to be ''wussies''. Girls are expected to be ''girly''. Not that this always is what happens but it's like this ideal thing society expects. Also, if your cousin had any disabilities, especially physically noticeable ones, it'd enhance the chances of the doctor taking action. Although other's may have not liked hearing it, it is unfortunately true.
I hope that the Doctor does something, but they likely won't. You were violently abusive with a CHILD who is less than half your age. You deserve to at least have to face a judge about it. Grow up. I hope that you never have children of your own, or your temper could really hurt them. Get some therapy before you seriously injure some other defenseless person or animal.
The doctor will not alert the authority unless he/she thinks that the child is in immediate danger. So as-long as this has never happened before you are fine.. id still own up though if i were you..
What does the doctor have to do with this?
You are an adult - you injured a minor, and you're not brave enough to stand up and say what has happened.
You're old enough to know better.