you caused harm to their patient? HERE'S THE STORY: cousin pissed me off, so I kinda pushed him and then he accidentally hit his head on a wooden chair kinda hard. he's going to the doctor tomorrow. his parents said they are going to tell what happened. soooo....wouldn't the doctor alert authority or something? I'm 17, and my cousin is 8...
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He really should be going to the doctor NOW if he hit his head in any way - a concussion can be fatal - look up Natasha Richardson. His parents really seriously should have him looked at right away. A kid's head is far more of his body than an adult, and injuries to a child's brain can be far more serious. They also tend not to be able to describe what they are feeling when they have a concussion. This is very important - tell his parents to take him in NOW
One shoving incident isn't going to get you pegged as an abuser - but at 17, you should be mature enough to walk away from a kid who is annoying you, no matter hwat theyu are doing. Time to grow up.
Here is more information on head injuries:
If the doctor feels there is an abusive situation that has caused an injury to this child, they would be required in many states to report it to the police. One incident does not make an abusive situation, but it really depends on how it is presented to the doc, and how badly your cousin was injured. But you would not be the firt kid to knock over a cousin and watch them have an accident.
Just please - make sure they get him seen TODAY.
And for Lee's benefit - there is a Mandatory Reporting law in all states. It requires that certain professionals report any signs of child abuse to law enforcement- in some states, it does not matter what your profession is. It is not an option, it is a requirement, and in fact it does not matter who the abuser could be, just that the child is being abused. Here is more about it:
If this kid gets help immediately, it is far better than if he ends up having a concussion and gets worse later on. The parents could be charged with abuse neglect for not seeking immediate medical care when it was needed, and that would look even worse.
It really depends, 1)where you being mean 2) did you intend to harm
3)cousins fight all the time there is always a risk even if its playful
pushing around can end up with someone going to the doctor.
But really he can't be that bad if they didn't take him the ER when it happened and are
waiting for the doctor's office to open tomorrow.
You don't get along well with your aunt and uncle I would say, did you apologize yet?
(btw if anyone would press charges it would be your aunt and uncle)
Doctors don't press charges- police press charges.
Given that his parents are involved, the doctor will probably not report anything (it would be them that he reported it to anyway). It's only if he had legitimate concerns that the parents were putting the child at risk that other authorities would get involved, which is not the case here.
If anyone does get involve- remember to not speak to anyone without a lawyer present.
Doctors can't press charges. Doctors can (and are required to) report suspected child abuse.
Yes. A Doctor is required to report any child abuse.
i think they can dob but i think its up to the parents to press charges if they want to,,, and also u should be more responsible than pushing an 8 year old over
Incidental harm, no the doctor will not contact the authorities. That's up to the parents to contact the authorities if they so wish, but I doubt it.
oh geez. lets just say i know how you feel and ive been there.
NO doctors cannot do such a thing. infact its none of their business who hurt him but rather how he got hurt. id be more concerned with how your little cousin tells his side of the story and you tell yours to your family. i know younger siblings are a pain esp with a large age gap and at 17 i understand you dont want to go tell on your little sibling to your parents, but no matter how much you just want to sock him in the face, just hit or release your anger towards something else (take a drive, read, shower, etc anything). it happens with CHILDREN where you give them a slight nudge to make them quit it and they end up breaking a leg. truly unbelievable how things pan out but it happens haha dont sweat it too much it
keep your hands to yourself. i hope you get charged for hurting an 8 year old. what is wrong with you????
I think they are required to.