you caused harm to their patient? HERE'S THE STORY: cousin pissed me off, so I kinda pushed him and then he accidentally hit his head on a wooden chair kinda hard. he's going to the doctor tomorrow. his parents said they are going to tell what happened. soooo....wouldn't the doctor alert authority or something? I'm 17, and my cousin is 8...
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a doctor is obligated to call the proper authorities if he believes there is some sort of abuse going on. so THAT is a possibility but he isnt going to press charges. the parents would be doing that.
It's not for the doctor to press charges. The doctor only helps heal the person in question. The police can only get involved if someone complains or there are obvious signs of lawbreaking (I.e. Robbery, car accident, etc.)
Even then, unless you were trying to permanently harm him, most judges would write it off as an accident. Only if his parents press charges will you even get in legal trouble.
A doctor can't press charges but he can report to law enforcement that a child has been abused. From there, the District Attorney is the one who decides to press charges.
You're almost grown up. Stop pushing little kids around. I'm sure you probably know better.
The doctor doesn't have the authority to press charges. He will however, ask your aunt and uncle about the series of events that lead to the incident. Your aunt and uncle sound like they will tell their side of the story. It's up to the doctor whether to report this to Child Protective Services, the Police or both.
All doctors are mandated reporters.
If they suspect abuse, they are required by law to make a report. You don't say if you and your cousin live in the same home. If you do, plan on a report being made. If you do not, it is up to the doctors discretion.
Seems unlikely. He would have no proof and it's more likely that he would be looking for abuse by the parents. If it was that serious, the brat would have gone to hospital, wouldn't he? I think that your aunt and uncle are just trying to scare you. They have succeeded. Some eight year olds are improved by having a sharp lesson to teach them not to get on folk's nerves.
I would strongly suggest you get help for your anger management issue. You're 17 and you're pushing around you 8 year old cousin because he pissed you off? That's a real problem you have controlling your anger.
the doctor can't press charges on you but the parents can press charges on you if they want to
yes, a doctor is required to notify the authorities if abuse is suspected.
as long as you maintain it was an accident and you did not mean to hurt him then there's nothing anyone can do