i took extasy and had a panic attack . it was my first panic attack can this have cause me a panic attack disorder ? Like I tripped out . I had a bad trip .
Update:this is for phinix I dont do it again but can i have enough dmage for life from that one time ?
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Hello Ester, as each batch of Ecstasy is slightly different, due to availability of the base ingredients and you really don't know what each one has in it, it is probably best not to take any, especially as you have now has a bad experience.
There are many reports of people becoming psychotic on Ecstasy, and some have developed schizophrenia.
A link is below of individuals who want to share their experiences.
The panic attack was just a part of the bad trip. You also had a come down off the drug. I done that a lot back when I was younger. The drug leaving your system will give you bad feelings emotionally and mentally. Drink plenty of water to help flush your system. I'd stay away from it, it was a big part of my teen days, I also don't remember those days and had to deal a lot with generalized anxiety. I'm smart, I'm in college passing with flying colors. I'm not old enough to see if the drugs I used when I was young will have any effects on my health in the future. I hope my liver won't fail or any of my other internal organs, I pray I won't have any future memory or brain problems when I get older. I'm 22, some of these problems could happen at any time, whether it's when I'm 25, or 40, or 75 years old. I also pray my drug use will not stop me from hitting 75 years old. I been drug free for 4 years and my body has been healing and my knowledge is still growing, I control MY feelings, MY life. Make life as great as you can, holes in your brain can not be fixed.
I look at these issues from this perspective: all drugs cause a chemical change in the brain. Also, all emotions are chemical changes in the brain. What happens when you take a drug depends on the drug, stimulants will cause an increase in nervouos system function, which can result in anxiety like symptoms. Depressants have the opposite effect, they cause the nervous system to decrease in function, and you feel relaxed, lose coordination, etc. Other drugs can cause you to have delusions and hallucinations.
With any drug, you run the risk of making these changes in the nervous system permanant. This means that the part of the brain affected by the drug is permanantly altered by the drug. As such, if the drug causes you to have a panic attack, which in your case I'd say it did, then you can develop a clinical anxiety disorder as a result of drug use. Other drugs can cause a permanant psychosis, which is just like schizophrenia. A major problem is, this can start from any time you use the drug, whether you have used it or not. So be mindful that the next time you take ecstacy, you could have permanant brain changes as a result.
I'm not telling you to stop using drugs. I just urge you to keep this in mind.
ADDITIONAL - If you have come out of the state of panic, and have not had any more panic attacks, then I would say you have no damage.
All mind altering substances have a potential to cause brain or bodily malfunctions. It's suspected that sometimes people who smoke weed alone during their teens can develop mental illnesses later in life, such as schizophrenia. We don't know what a substance is going to do to our minds... even alcohol.
I'd suggest you lay off the substance abuse and find other ways to bring pleasure into your life. There are thousands of ways... try a few!
You just had a bad trip. Don't do it again and you will be fine. In fact stop doing drugs they're ******* stupid! Ex can cause your brain to over heat and you can die a painful death! Also when you're rolling you feel dehydrated and all you want to do it drink a **** ton of water. You can ******* drown from that ****! Don't do stupid **** be better than that!
All drugs are $#!T and yes they can lead to a slow painful death. Stop taking that crap before you have a permanent "bad trip"...
yeah it will slowly cause schitzophrenia over time, you made a big mistake.