for sending me home after being at work for 45 minutes already. telling me that i looked like s**t and didnt need to be there looking like that. i had make up on and my hair was up, some employers even said that i looked fine and normal. i never signed a document stating on how i should appear in the first place.
Update:EXCUSE ME people! we have uniforms! i wear pants in the summer because i dont like to show leg. and whats breasts? i have a cup boobs... how do you suppose i show cleveage in the first place? this is talking about MY FACE and HAIR. thank you. and i asked employers that i worked with!
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Your employer can send you home for no reason, so yes....they can send you home for that...and you can't sue because of it.
Tammy Faye Baker was well known her for make up in the 80's. It looked like sh*t too. Just because you put make up on, does not mean you did it properly. Maybe you got a little heavy handed that morning.
If you are confused about why you were sent home, then in a calm rational voice approach your boss and ask him. Don't make excuses for your appearance. Don't go in with the attitude that you did nothing wrong. Your boss did not like something about your appearance and it's his opinion that matters.
So speak to your boss with a learning heart. Something like: I am sorry my appearance was not up to standard yesterday. I'm not exactly sure what I did wrong. Could you please clarify for me so I can make sure not to make that mistake again?
Can you sue? sure. Will you win? No. You have no viable grounds for a law suit. Employers are allowed to have and enforce dress codes. That includes hair, make up and jewelry.
"Some employers even said that i looked fine and normal." Do you mean employees or did you actually walk into other businesses and ask the owners if you looked professional?
FYI - it's not your hair and make-up that make you look unprofessional. How much of your breasts were hanging out? How low were your pants/dress/skirt? Was your thong exposed? How tight were your clothes?
Personally, I have no problem with breasts hanging out or the bottom of your **** being exposed or clothes so tight I can tell how long it has been since your last waxing. But some employers have a problem with it.
No. Go home and change or whatever and then go back, if that's what he wanted. I don't know what you looked like, but I never signed anything saying I would wear shoes to work, but i bet if I showed up barefoot I'd be sent home.
Edit: I don't think anyone was trying to be rude. At least I wasn't. But you didn't give us anything to go on. In fact, you still didn't really. Were you wearing too much makeup? Did he specifically say something about your hair and makeup? Is it possible you looked sick?
You cant sue someone just because you got offended, the court would laugh at you if you tried to sue him for that, change into something better, then show up for work. Maybe he doesn't like his employes dressing like sluts?
you can sue
but wining is another story
all places where i have worked has a dress code and i never signed it or has anyone else
Strange... my contract DOES explicitly state not to have sex in the bathrooms. Doesn't say anything about the IT room though!
It's not your makeup that looked like s***, it was the whole rest of you. No, you can't sue.
In this country, controlled by lawyers, you can sue for anything.|ga|9|Law|Lawyer&...
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