a few years ago I fractured my nose my running into a pole. it caused my nose to be very crooked, my septum to become deviated, and a hump as well.
I went to dr omara in Beaumont TX, and he said he would fix the cosmetic aspects (hump removal and straighten my nose) and also straighten my septum.
I go to my surgery preop and first of all they did not give me clear instructions for aftercare, I had to call AFTER my surgery and speak with the receptionist about what I needed to be cleaning with.
the day of my surgery everything went fine, however he refused to give me medication in pill form (Im allergic to the flavoring of the liquid form he gave me AND I told him this!)
I went through hell for a week. I couldn't breathe, sleep, smell, eat, taste, etc. I felt nauseated constantly and had a disgusting taste in my mouth and horrible smell in my nose too. (not to mention I bled for 4 days AND I was very sore!)
dr omara removed my cast and everything and my nose looked to be straight (however it was very swollen so I couldn't really tell). he didnt cut anywhere on the outside of my nose, I had 1 suture to hold in the nasal splints. he said he did break my nose.
here I am a week later and the swelling is down almost completely. my nose looks the same, actually WORSE than it did beforehand!! there's a bump on the side of my nose now that wasn't there before, I can't breathe well still (I couldn't before the surgery either), my nose is still crooked (the cartilage area). all he did it looks like was break my nose and create a bump. he DID take a little bit out if the hump it looks like but not much, doesn't even make much of a difference.
can I sue him for malpractice, emotional distress, and enough to get a follow up surgery from a different surgeon? the procedure itself was close to about 6 thousand. insurance covered it but I'm still very angry that he performed surgery and didnt make anything better. when I go back on the 16th Im getting copies of everything.
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Answers & Comments
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Of course not. You haven't even healed yet to see the finished product. And none of the symptoms you described after the surgery are abnormal. Of course you had trouble breathing, sleeping, tasting, etc. That is to be expected after nose surgery.
I suggest that you wait for at least a month or so to see if your nose gets better. You can also complain to your insurance company about this doctor. I would do both of those things first before thinking about suing.
If you are going to sue, you need a lawyer, and they cost money. Doctors have malpractice insurance, and if they get sued, they have lawyers from the insurance company to defend them. You will need to find a lawyer who will take the case on a contingency basis, meaning the lawyer collects a percentage of whatever damages you win. A lawyer will not take your case if he/she doesn't think you have a good chance of winning.
It can take 6 months or more before the final results of a rhinoplasty become evident. Part of the final outcome is how well you follow after-care instructions, as increased blood pressure (working out, etc.) during the healing process can alter the final appearance as well.
You should get a good trusted attorney and try to. I think you could win the case if you tried. Go for it :)