Yesterday i was sleeping, till they woke me up, i was very angry cos it's being usually, i go back to sleep again and i think i got a Sleep paralysis, cos i was awake, but i couldn't move myself, i couldn't open my eyes nor talk,i felt like something was breaking my breath although i can still breathing well, i was shaken,like an earhquake, i was quite afraid because it was my first time. so i tried till i wake up, then i realize that it was a Sleep paralysis. i liked the experience. i don't practice astral projection and any technique that allows you to do that.
But the question is can i suicide while i'm astral traveling, cos i hate my life,things seems to go worst since i was born, i don't have any miserable reason to live. everybody around me seems to be happy except me
This was the reason why i tried to sleep again if would come back and then suicide me
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Don't commit suicide. There is hope for you! God has a good plan for your life! Astral projection suicide or not is a bad idea. . Astral projection is usually only made possible by some level of demonic power. They are the ones who link the spirit and soul to make astral projection possible. In a sense when you leave your body to astral project it is like leaving your home with the door open…. Bad spirits can come in. A suicide would free those bad spirits to take you to a place you would NOT want to go.
Many who have astral projected talk about encounters with demons! Go to any astral projection discussion forum and you will find that they often say that the practice is very dangerous and that there are evil spirits out there.
Many who have astral projected have described a thin silver cord attaching their spirit to their body. If this cord is ever severed, the person will die. This fits what the book of Ecclesiastes says in chapter 12:
Remember him—before the silver cord is severed,
and the golden bowl is broken;
before the pitcher is shattered at the spring,
and the wheel broken at the well,
7 and the dust returns to the ground it came from,
and the spirit returns to God who gave it.
So if one was to astral project and travel too far or long there is a chance that silver cord could break. I have heard of some people who practiced astral projection and died from it.
Also astral projection is a big spiritual activity which wears down the body. Those who practice it often age faster with drained energy.
There is a real spirit world out there. Spirits, demons, angels, God, Satan, Jesus, Souls, Spirits, Hell, Heaven, strongmen, anointing, possession etc.. are all real. It’s good that you are aware of this but you need to encounter the light first as you explore spiritual things. Watch these videos and they can open your eyes to new aspects of the spiritual war around us, and how you can be a part on the right path.
Astral Projection Horrifying Truth
Journey to Astral Projection
Seeing into Spirit Realm
Mel Bond Discerning Spirits
Bill Wiese 23 Minutes
Gary Wood Death experience
Yes, if you travel too far, you won't find back to your body. The body will then shut down after a few days without drinking.
You can also travel into a planet or a sun at high speed.
It might be difficult to actually do that, because astral travelling is just a fancy way of dreaming.
1-800-273-8255 is the suicide hotline you should talk to them and they can help you and find a psychologist so you won't be so depressed, depression is usually one of the easier ones to cure so it's definitely worth a go. then you can just enjoy astral travel without being depressed! please call the hotline or talk to someone...
There is no such thing as an astral plane or astral projection. Please call the Suicide Prevention Hotlline or go to the nearest emergency room.
atleast we are related in life experience, anyway i have done that! i have experience to go suicide by sleeping to death.. and you won't go heaven.. my eyes grew larger and i am staring in my room, but i heard children boys, calling me to pull them up. like they were inside a trap, and they were so much locked up.. you will feel the intense like it is somewhat in fire..
so just hold on to what you have.. this place still awesome and safe because god presence is here than on hell.
like on the matrix? It's just a movie, Sparky. make believe, just like gods
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