A while back, I saw a news program where the mayor of this small town essentially made it illegal to rent to illegal aliens...and he actually enforced it.
Did anyone see this program or know what town it was. It worked like a charm and had landlords scared to rent to illegals for fear of the fines etc. Interesting he went after the people who catered to the illegals, and not the illegals themselves, but it forced the border jumpers to move.....and they did.
Now they are someone else's problem.
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Yes. You're not supposed to aid and abet.
I'm not sure whether you'd need a similar law to do that in another town, or whether a landlord could take it upon himself to check credentials. There are equal housing laws that make housing discrimination a crime, but the landlord could get past that by verifying residency status for everyone who rents.
I don't think these kind of efforts are the real answer to the problem, but they show that there is real hope for enforcement--once we can figure out what the law and policy on immigration should be, we now have some positive evidence that we will be able to enforce it--if we get creative and try hard enough.
Underline the word ILLEGALS. If they were in this country legally, there wouldn't be a problem. What would happen if the landlords were mandated to contact INS prior to renting to an illegal? Local governments can enact ordinances specifically for local problems. A city ordinance against renting to illegal aliens is NOT unconstitutional, but I'm sure some @$$hole somewhere will get ACLU involved, and it will become a big court case.
All you have to do is put in the lease that occupancy is strictly restricted and violation of the restriction is immediate grounds for eviction. Also include a no-sublet clause with the same grounds for eviction. That way others can't rent for them. Require references and background checks.
Our friend owns several properties. He learned the hard way how to avoid illegal aliens after he paid thousands of dollars to repair damages they did.
Federal Law
Federal Immigration and Nationality Act Section 8 USC 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii)
"Any person who . . . encourages or induces an alien to . . . reside . . . knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such . . . residence is . . . in violation of law, shall be punished as provided . . . for each alien in respect to whom such a violation occurs . . . fined under title 18 . . . imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both."
It's very ironic that the federal government has such a law, but estimates are illegal aliens receive millions annually in housing subsidies.
It's all about the law. No one should rent to an illegal because wow, they're illegal! And further more, it is illegal for four and five familys to live in one small apartment. We need to enforce the laws already in place and they will go back to there own country. I just can't understand why our government is to stupid to understand that!
When I moved to Indiana from Connecticut I had to go through a background check to rent a town home. I am not an illegal immigrant, born and raised here in the States. Go figure.
I know that was part of the ordinance that Hazelton, PA has been trying to pass and enforce. If I were a landlord I wouldn't be renting to them with or without the legislation.
Yes you can. However, one can not deprive a legal status foreigner, or legal citizen based on their skin color, marital status, or sexual orientation. If it were me, I'd assume that all illegals were drug users or distributed drugs for income. Therefore I would be in danger of losing my rentals to government agencies when and if the illegals were busted. That's the law folks. Rent to any renter who deals in drugs or does drugs, and lose your property.
It is perfectly legal to refuse to rent to illegals. One who is here illegally does not have to legal rights the one who is here legally does. I manage a hotel and we require valid picture ID to rent a room. No valid ID=NO room
Are you talking about this one?
Farmer's Branch, Texas - The law requires that landlords verify that the renters are legal immigrants or US Citizens before renting housing to them.
A few days later, a federal judge blocked the ban: