so i am going on a canadian carnival cruise at the end of july and are deporting from new york. i asked my mom if i could bring a friend but she said her parents would have to go through a whole lot of paperwork since shes not apart of our family and shes going out of the country. is this true?????
and also i have been on one royal Caribbean cruise to bermuda and two disney cruises to bahamas and the Mediterranean while this carnival canadian cruise live up to those trips???
and one more:
is it going to be cold?
Update:and ONE more thing:
i am 14 and will be 15 next month. will they let me in the older teens club since my friend is 15 already.
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First of all, your mother is right - your friend's parents will have to write a letter giving their permission for her to travel with you. The letter will have to be very specific: names, dates, travel accommodations etc. It will then have to be notarized to prove that the letter is really from her parents. Your friend will also need a passport.
The cruise will be different from what you've experienced before; the onboard experience will be the same, but the scenery along the coast of Maine and Nova Scotia will be very different, and very beautiful. And once you enter the St. Lawrence river, you will have the chance to see several different whale species and wonderful marine life. The Atlantic Ocean is darker and COLDER than either the Mediterranean or the Caribbean seas.
In the summer the temperature frequently reaches the mid-80's inland, but it is always cooler along the coast and on the Ocean and River, so bring a light jacket and a sweater or sweatshirt, as well as some long pants and probably a raincoat or at least, an umbrella.
Finally, no, you cannot get into a teens' club even if you're friend is 15.
Have a great time!
Ok, here's the deal. I did a Canada cruise about 2 years ago and our cruise was in September and it was not cold. It was cool, requiring a jacket in most of the places that we docked. Since you are going in July it will likely be nice and warm during the day, like 70 to 80 degrees, and then cooler at night.
Your friend can go on the cruise with you and stay in your cabin for about 50% of the fare price that you pay for the first two people. But, Your friend would have to have two things (1) a passport or a birth certificate and other ID, AND (2) a letter signed by her/his parents that gives permission for your friend to go on the cruise And the letter must be notarized.
So its not so difficult as it may seem for your friend to go.