I think I am coming down with the beginning of carpal tunnel. I can't go to the doctors bc of Christmas but I was wondering whether I should try to keep my hands in the neutral.position or exercise them today
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Carpal tunnel is often caused by repetitive motion, which causes the nerve that runs through the carpals (wrist bones) to be compressed.
You should avoid the repetitive movement that caused it (usually typing, hand writing, tapping, mouse clicking) if that's the case. If you've sprained your wrist, or if you have symptoms of arthritis, you may need to see a doctor.
In some cases, obesity can cause carpal tunnel syndrome as well, and weight loss would help.
To help ease the symptoms yourself, you can do some gentle stretches for your wrists and hands. You can search the internet for these stretching exercises.
If you're hurting your wrists during sleep, you can get an immobilizing brace to wear while you sleep at any pharmacy.
Mine was so bad I couldn't hold a glass. The pain kept me awake at night. They wanted to do a surgery that had a 20% chance of success. On a whim I tried Bikram yoga. Within a month the pain was gone. Within 6 months of doing the class daily, I was fully cured and it has never come back, even though I quit doing the yoga years ago. I highly recommend it. Bikram Yoga (it's the hot yoga, and there's beginners in every class so no worries about that!)
All the poses helped but the specific pose that helped the most was Salabhasana - Locust Pose, you can google it if the class is too expensive for you. But as it may be painful to do this at first and you might do it wrong, I recommend at least a few classes to learn to do it right.
rest. However if it is adhesions (and about 80% are) then by massaging firmly just below the elbow while moving the wrist through range of motion, you can help the adhesions.