I want to dedicate my life to Jesus but I don't know what hutch to join. The Catholic Church Was the first chruch but events like the Inquisition and curruption and lack of women's rights within the chruch make me second geuss that. Protestants follow the Bible but I'm not sure if there bible is accurate because Martin Luther removed seven books. What church should I join? Also are there any common grounds? Can I be one without bashing and hating the other?
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if you really a Christian you shouldn't feel the need to bash anybody should you ?
Catholic. Your objections to it are unfounded. I shall break them down for you:
1. Inquisition - That happened in Spain so long ago. The monarchs of Spain wanted to rid their country of Jews and used their Catholic faith as a reason to do it. The Pope tried to stop them, but could not fully control them. It is not properly blamed on the Church.
2. Corruption - without specific examples I cannot answer this one.
3. Women's rights - I'm not sure what you are talking about here. Women practically run the place, and they have all the rights of any other person. They cannot be priests, but they can be nuns.
4. Bible - The RCC also follows the Bible and everything the Church teaches can be backed up with Bible verses. You are correct that Luther removed seven books and should not have.
The RCC is the oldest and largest organization of any kind in the world. It is the world's number one charitable organization, feeding and educating more people than any other ever has. It is more diverse than any other type of church in the world, having members from every last nation and culture on earth. It is totally united, in that all Catholics around the world are studying and praying about the same things on any given day. It is the only church on earth that can show a direct line of leaders that go all the way back to Jesus Christ, Himself. We are the original Christianity. "Bashing and hating" on the other is a personal choice that you must make no matter which way you go. I don't recommend you do it, since it is not an approved Christian action.
I can't tell you what to do because that's between you and God. However, I can share my experiences with you, and maybe they'll help.
I converted to Catholicism back in the early '70's when I was in college. I grew up in the Methodist church, and I will always love my Protestant brothers and sisters in Christ. From the Methodist church, I got a good education in the Bible and a solid foundation in Christian values that has served me well over the years.
I joined the Catholic Church because I felt the Presence of Jesus so strongly in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist in a way that I never experienced as a Methodist. For the first time, I knew --really knew -- that He is God and that He will be with me forever. He will never abandon me or turn His back on me.
So you see that it's possible to be Catholic and love Protestants because they belong to Him, just as you do. When your focus is on Him, the differences fall away, and you love others because you see them through His eyes, not your own. All that really matters is that they are His, just as you are.
God bless you, and I pray that you find the perfect church for you.
The history of the Catholic church is nothing to be proud of. However, the modern thing is quite different from its history (despite what Atheists would have you believe). And when it comes to the Catholic sex abuse cases, understand that the percentage of pedophile priests is actually much less than that of school and gym teachers. It's just that they get more publicity.
Now, understand that Martin Luther did not remove seven books. The deuterocanonical books (or Apocrypha, as you've probably heard them called) were not originally part of the Hebrew canon; they were part of the Greek canon, added afterward by Greek Jews. The early Lutheran church (not Luther himself) looked at the books and decided that they weren't worth calling "scriptural". However, this doesn't mean that they were removed, and indeed, Lutherans sometimes read them, because they are considered to be true, even if they weren't "authentic" enough (again, they were from the Greek canon) for the early protestants. Also, it was only recently that the Roman Catholic church elevated them to the same level as the Holy Bible itself.
Common grounds: this is easy. I will also answer your assertion that the two groups bash and hate each other. Some protestants believe that Catholics go to Hell, and vice versa. However, the majority in both groups believe that both schools of Christians thought go to Heaven. Why? Because of the common grounds: both believe in the trinity (The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit). Both believe in the crucifixion, and the resurrection. Both believe that you need t be saved through faith. The main differences (though Protestantism is so erratic because of all the denominations) are these: differences in beliefs about Baptism; at birth, at childhood; by sprinkling or by immersion. They also differ in their beliefs about the Holy communion; Catholics believe that Christ is physically present in the bread and wine. Most protestants (though not all) believe it is purely symbolic. Also, Roman Catholics believe saints can act as go-betweens for their prayers, between the person praying and the Lord. Protestants reject this idea.
It doesn't really matter which you go with, as long as you are faithful to the Lord. Ignore the neighsayers from both sides; true Christians try not to judge. It is not our place; it is God's. Since it does matter so little which side you choose, choose whichever interests you the most. I chose Lutheranism, because I enjoyed the service, and the people, and most of the beliefs lined up well. You could be a potential Baptist, or Methodist, or Roman Catholic, or heck, even Eastern orthodox! It all depends on what you prefer. But as long as you love the Lord, believe in the trinity and Jesus, and worship him with all your heart, then you'll be alright.
Peace, brother.
. Protestants follow the Bible but I'm not sure if there bible is accurate because Martin Luther removed seven books. While I was raised in a Protestant denom; on THAT point, I agree with the Catholics.
What church should I join? My current suggestion without presently knowing the asker; neither.
Also are there any common grounds?
Yes, but virtually any 'christian' would accept them; I'm allowing for growth.
Can I be one without bashing and hating the other? YES.
news flash any organization/institution involvoing man(sinners) ... will have issues with sin....the catholic church is not a museum of saints...its a hospital for sinners... everyone at the catholic church are sinners ..even the pope does confession every week... like how doctors also can get sick in their life time and will visit teh hoispital.
what this about womens rights?? have you seen how Catholic venerate a woman called Mary? sure women cant be priest ... but men can't be mother superior nuns... also would you cast a woman in the acting role of "Othello"?
yeah, yeah spainish Inquisition ...ever wondered who put a stop to it??? it was the Pope himself when he found out waht was going on in Spaine...
YOu dont leave first Church (founded by the Lord) because you met Judas, you stay becaus eof Jesus..
You must put things in historical perspective. In most instances of these sins, it was kings and queens and tyrannical rulers, not the Church. During this time, the Monarchs had the political and military power, not the pope. And it wasn't limited to Catholic rulers. Protestant rulers as well inflicted horrible tortures on Catholics in their realms.
Even here in the United States, a heavily protestant country, Catholics were heavily persecuted. Even our Founding Father, Thomas Jefferson, has documented anti-Catholic bias. Yet this fine country gentleman owned slaves. Hmmm Do you see the problem here?
Slavery was not abolished until 1864 and women weren't allowed to vote until 1920. Mankind always has sin but historically we are evolving. Things that were accepted in the past are not accepted today. Things happening in the Middle East today is evidence of a failure to evolve. As we progess, hopefully we move away from sin and toward God.
As for your choice in religion, you have no choice but to follow the truth. I converted from protestant to Catholic, because the Catholic deposit of faith is steeped with historical and dogmatic truth. Since my father is a protestant pastor, this was not an easy path for me. But I can't ignore the truth. The truth will set you free.
@Jurtin, You say "the history of the Catholic Church is nothing to be proud of." I couldn't disagree more. The history of MANKIND is nothing to be proud of. However the Catholic Church has remained true since Christ instituted her in 33 AD. The Church is not perfect, to be sure, but it is always a beacon in a world filled with sin. This is by God's providence. Even Peter, the first pope, was humbled before Christ.
The church you join, as a Christian, isn't so important. The important thing is that you invite Jesus Christ in, and try to live as He would want you to. Find a church that believes in the power of prayer and hard work, regardless of denomination. Everything else should fall in to place.
Also, Jesus would not bash or hate anyone. That's important, but sometimes difficult, to remember.
Lack of women's rights? In the Catholic Church unordained women can do everything that unordained men can do, no exceptions. I don't know of any Protestant Church that can say the same. In any case, what matters is as you said that the Catholic Church is the original Christian Church, therefore the only Church founded by Jesus Christ, therefore the only Church to receive His promises, "The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth", and "Whatsoever you bind upon Earth is bound in heaven", and "He who hears you hears Me". If it is truth you are seeking, the Catholic Church is where you will find it, unless Jesus Christ lied, in which case Christianity wouldn't be worth anything anyway. It is obvious that you won't find the fullness of truth in Protestantism since the beliefs/teachings of each denomination conflict with the beliefs/teachings of the others, and truth cannot conflict with truth. Conflicting beliefs/teachings necessarily mean false beliefs/teachings. This doctrinal chaos also demonstrates that Protestants do not follow the Bible, since the Word of God cannot conflict with itself. The Bible is a collection of early Jewish and Catholic texts, compiled by the Catholic Church for its own use. Who else would have authority to correctly interpret it?
if you are seeking to know the Lord, then come to know Him through prayer and study of His word. give your heart to Him and let Him show you the Truth about what church you should attend. faith, prayer and Bible study is everything you need, dear. as far as the apocrypha, you can always read that, but i would start first with the other books of the Bible, the books that both the catholic and protestant churches share. by that time you will have a good understanding of who the Lord is and if you've given your heart to Him, you will know if He wants you to read the apocrypha or not and will know a good church when you find one. God bless you.
I can only recommend that you do A LOT more of your OWN research on the matter before making your own decision.
About half of your comments are not quite accurate.
Are you going to decide based on "popular opinion"?
Are you going to decide based on "truth", understanding that truth is not always pretty and can appear hateful to many people...even though in reality, telling the truth is an act of love. Hiding the truth is act of deception and therefore an act of hate.