I have been asking questions on yahho about this clear discharge i am getting a lot of. Im only 13 years old, and i havent started my periods yet ! ! but i have been looking on the web and the discharge im getting matches the description to cervial mucas ? but cant you only get that when you have started your periods ? does this mean i will get my periods soon ? because i have quite a lot of it. its completely clear, and wet and slippery,. Please help why do i have this stuff if i havent even started my periods yet ! ?
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most girls experience discharge about a year before they actually start their period. its very normal and all girls do eventually get it. its how your vagina cleans itself. your body is going through a lot of changes right now and this is one of them. you dont have to have a period to get discharge. i started getting discharge when i was 10 and got my period when i was11 and a lot of girls are like that. if you find it uncomfortable with wet panties try using some panty liners, these are really thin little pads and soak up the discharge and they are very comfortable. these are also good to carry in case you start your period and dont have any pads on you. hope this helps hun, you have nothing to worry about.
Hi, my daughter and I just went through this together.
I got my daughter a calendar in her room, panty liners, light pads and felts.
Each time my daughter had an emotional outburst we used a symbol (red mad face) on the calendar . These feelings included anger, rage, weeping, crying, screaming, bauling, irritable. They are symptoms of your hormones.
Each time my daughter needed to use a panty liner on her underwear for discharge, we used a symbol (blue triangle) on the calendar. Your vagina will start to discharge a milky white sticky substance. This is your body’s natural cleansing system.
Each time my daughter needed to use a panty liner on her underwear for spotting, we used a symbol (red triangle) on the calendar. Each time she felt or experienced abdominal cramps or intestinal cramps we used a symbol (red circle) on the calendar. Each time she voided (#2),we used a symbol (red square).
Each person will develop their own personal symptoms: voiding diarhea day before, headaches, achy back, achy body can also be a symptom to record under a symbol that personal to you.
Once you establish a routine and you can see that there is approximately 20-30 days in between the episodes, you will know approximately when it's going to start.
You want to discuss with your mom and/or dad about pain control in the event you have cramps. You will want to have either Midol or Pamprin for teens on hand, panty liners, thin maxi pads, and an electric heating pad for the cramps. You may also hear that Advil, Motrin or Ibuprofen help.
Always carry panty liners in your purse and use them for the watery white discharge, or there could be a smell or it can dry and pinch you.