many christians are saying to me on here they believe god allowed 911 and that is a good thing... wow, scary. I wonder what the victims families would make of their support for 911?
Christianity is about 18 centuries old. Back when it was 13 or 14 centuries old, it did some pretty nasty things itself. Acting out, Crusades, Inquisitions, burning people at stakes, etc. Then, as it got be be 16, 17, 18 centuries old, it started getting more mature.
Islam is the same way, it's just hitting the teenage centuries now, so it's starting to act out in many of the same ways. But now, there are more guns in the streets, so it's a little more dangerous.
Every group has their extremists, weirdos and etc. Not all Christians, including myself, would say that God allowed 911 to occur. God is all powerful. But...we also have free will. We have the freedom to make choices and live with the consequences. Terrorists had the freedom to fly planes into the towers (and etc). They (and we) have to live with the consequences. God responded to 9-11, but maybe not in the way we would have liked. I feel it's all part of His plan. God didn't plan for 9-11 to occur but God takes our mistakes/sins/other actions and uses them for His plan. God may have used 9-11 and weaved it into His plan.
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It's a teenager thing.
Christianity is about 18 centuries old. Back when it was 13 or 14 centuries old, it did some pretty nasty things itself. Acting out, Crusades, Inquisitions, burning people at stakes, etc. Then, as it got be be 16, 17, 18 centuries old, it started getting more mature.
Islam is the same way, it's just hitting the teenage centuries now, so it's starting to act out in many of the same ways. But now, there are more guns in the streets, so it's a little more dangerous.
Every group has their extremists, weirdos and etc. Not all Christians, including myself, would say that God allowed 911 to occur. God is all powerful. But...we also have free will. We have the freedom to make choices and live with the consequences. Terrorists had the freedom to fly planes into the towers (and etc). They (and we) have to live with the consequences. God responded to 9-11, but maybe not in the way we would have liked. I feel it's all part of His plan. God didn't plan for 9-11 to occur but God takes our mistakes/sins/other actions and uses them for His plan. God may have used 9-11 and weaved it into His plan.
Can you give me some context? A lot of Christians have beleifs on reasons why God lets bad things happen to good people.
I'm just wondering if this is a difference of God "allowing" things to happen versus versus the terrorist concept of Him "wanting" things to happen.
best wishes.
I remember hearing things like that right after the disaster happened. It's just as shocking to hear things like that now as it was then.
Name one such Christian. What Church? What Denomination? Who's their Pastor? Or did you just make this up?
those christians who told u so r wrong, real christians never be happy when anyone is killed