Should you be contemplating an operatic career, you might want to familiarize yourself with this brilliant aria from R. Leoncavallo's "I Pagliaci", Nedda's "stridono lassu"(perhaps for a future audition?):
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I assume you mean as a solo? I hope that I'm not mis-interpreting your question. If not, consider these:
((from "Porgy and Bess")):
Should you be contemplating an operatic career, you might want to familiarize yourself with this brilliant aria from R. Leoncavallo's "I Pagliaci", Nedda's "stridono lassu"(perhaps for a future audition?):
classic? why don't you try something more modern? it's sounds great when "find me somebody to love" by queen sings chorus ;)
but if you like classic... hm... maybe something of Frank Sinatra? he's almost classic :D