In the morning when I put my contacts on. Is it safe to leave the solution in there then emptying it out when I'm putting my contact lense back in the case??
I was also wondering, when I empty the solution out of my contact lense case, what do I clean it with. I used tap water but I heard its not safe to so I'm wondering what I should rinse my case with. Does this also have to be done daily???
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After putting your lenses on, toss the solution, thoroughly rinse your case(water is fine) and let it air dry.
This must be done daily.
You should be using a Daily Cleaner to rub the lenses, Saline to rinse and Saline to store.
Unless you're using a Multi Purpose Solution, in which case you use that for all the steps. I still suggest Saline rinsing before the lenses get inserted into your eyes.
You can clean case with your contact lens cleaner using a brand new inexpensive toothbrush
Check out this blog:
It has a whole thing on caring for your contacts, and it talks about the solution in the case, how long, etc.