i am getting cod 4 tomorrow and my friend and i would like to play a lan party, but we live in a boarding school with only a remote desktop connection which is very slow, can we play cod 4 as we play cod1 and counterstrike by setting up an ad hoc wireless computer to computer in the network and sharing and then set up a nettwork. Answers are appreciated.
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just wana add in that i have made a site specifically for gamers who want their names to be known called "Gamers Rep" where gamers can come to represent their names or totally dis on others. But thats not all its about... there are various gamer polls (some that are very controversial), gamer debates, soon to be a FAQ post which will be updated everyday, im dedicating a full page to random and wacked out polls, and am in need of moderators. there are various member positions: limited member (Some access/abilities), member (full access to site and forum), and moderator (high accessibility and freedom to mod site and members). I have decided that the site will be democratic and will post up polls every week on the main page for people to cast their vote on how the site will run. the site is fairly new and need people to spread the word about it. ill post a link to the site on the bottom too. The more members there are the bigger the forum the better and more fun it will be.
Yes you can.